Time Travel Adventures Of The 1800 Club, BOOK I

Time Travel Adventures Of The 1800 Club, BOOK I

Robert P McAuley

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Science Fiction / Time Travel

The 1800 Club is a 21st Century haven for people seeking to escape New York City's frantic pace. Dressed in clothes their ancestors might have worn during the 1800s, members enjoy foods of the period and read periodicals featuring news of a particular date in 1865. However, the 1800 Club also has an astounding secret; Time Travel. Members travel back in time to keep history on track.Chapter I The President Lincoln MissionA probe sent back to record the Gettysburg Address makes a startling discovery: President Lincoln never makes it! The great man came down with a deep depression and could not leave his room. The 1800 club must send someone back in time to correct this problem, and club member William Scott is selected. He is let in on the club’s secret; its ability to time travel and after completing the mission is offered the job of President of the 1800 Club. The mission taught him that going back in time is not always a lark as the people of the past had the same likes and dislikes as us and more than one could be dangerous as he found out himself.Chapter II The Teddy Roosevelt MissionWhat if the charge up San Juan Hill didn’t take place in the Spanish/American War? What if Teddy Roosevelt was not the swash-buckling man the world of today knows and never ran for president? History would take a different course and the world would be a different place. For one, more men would die in the Spanish/American War because he prolonged the conflict by not charging the hill. The dead men’s lives get cut short and they have no children to carry their names. Artists, teachers, doctors and ordinary family men that would have been in their lineage are never to be. Once again a club member must go back in time and fix the glitch. Finding out that one of Roosevelt’s closest friends and advisors was Bat Masterson, our time traveling club member must first make sure that they meet. This entails that he must travel to the Wild West.
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Book 9

Book 9

Robert P McAuley

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Science Fiction / Time Travel

A Peek Into Chapter OneWorld War 2 is going against the British and Hitler develops the ultimate weapon: An Atomic Bomb. Where is Winston Churchill? There is a bonus for the reader with this story.A Peek Into Chapter TwoOne of the 1800 Club members is threatened as his great grandfather dies in the American Wild West.The 1800 Club is a 21st Century haven for people seeking to escape New York City's frantic pace. Dressed in clothes their ancestors might have worn during the 1800s, members enjoy foods of the period and read periodicals featuring news of a particular date in 1865. However, the 1800 Club also has an astounding secret . . . Time Travel. Members travel back in time nudging famous persons and key events just enough to ensure history unfolds, as it should. Guardians-of-the-past, living in 2066, send robotic probes back through the ages, discovered that, at critical time-junctures, pivotal figures stray from vital tasks and actions. These Time Watchers of the past can't go...
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Book VII

Book VII

Robert P McAuley

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Science Fiction / Time Travel

Chapter I The Great Britain MissionThe Hawker Hurricane, one of the most famous British fighters of WWII was never designed and built stripping Great Britain of the needed help during the Battle of Britain and ensuring that they lost not only that battle but the war. Once the Royal Air Force was defeated, Hitler's armies invaded and conquered the island nation. They then took the rest of Europe and later Canada with their next target: The United States of America. All of this happens because a horse and buggy ran down the aircraft designer, Sydney Camm when he was a little boy. The 1800 Club is given the mission to go back and prevent that from happening and the club's president, William Scott, decides to take two other time traveling companions along with him. It turns out that there is enough twists and turns for the three men.Chapter II The Jessie James MissionWhen young Jessie ran with Quantrill's Raiders during the Civil War, he found a letter written in French...
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Sky Ship

Sky Ship

Robert P McAuley

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Science Fiction / Time Travel

Picture Die Hard in a Zeppelin! This high-action adventure takes place on the greatest zeppelin ever created: Sky Ship! This marvel of ultra-modern technology and luxuries has been taken over by terrorists set to unleash a terrible weapon on the U.S. with security man, Dan McKee and his wife the only persons who might stop them.
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Book X

Book X

Robert P McAuley

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Science Fiction / Time Travel

The Time Travel Adventures Of The 1800 Club is a 21st Century haven for people seeking to escape New York City's frantic pace. Dressed in clothes their ancestors might have worn during the 1800s, members enjoy foods of the period and read periodicals featuring news of a particular date in 1865. However, the 1800 Club also has an astounding secret . . . Time Travel. Members travel back in time nudging famous persons and key events just enough to ensure history unfolds, as it should. Guardians-of-the-past, living in 2070, send robotic probes back through the ages, discovered that, at critical time-junctures, pivotal figures stray from vital tasks and actions. These Time Watchers of the past can't go back and fix the glitch in the timeline because the atmosphere they breathe has been cleaned up over the years and the air of the past is almost un-breathable for them. Then an 1800 Club member from 2014 is sent back to guarantee that events get back on track. The 1800 Club's members aid...
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TimeTravel Adventures of The 1800 Club [Book 12]

TimeTravel Adventures of The 1800 Club [Book 12]

Robert P McAuley

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Science Fiction / Time Travel

In Story One, The British Fleet Loses The Battle of Trafalgar and the British people of today speak French and in the second story The Union Army’s is defeated at The Battle for Atlanta. Two different stories but both must be stopped from happening. The 1800 Club sends back two time travelers to correct these hiccups in history and each traveler finds themselves in a dangerous situation.
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Time Travel Adventures of the 1800 Club, Book II

Time Travel Adventures of the 1800 Club, Book II

Robert P McAuley

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Science Fiction / Time Travel

Chapter 1 The Wright Brothers MissionWhat happens to the world of aviation if the Wright brothers are not the first to fly? Chances are very good that the French would have that honor and take over as the aviation leaders of the world. However, they would probably keep the flying to a selected few who would consider it a flight of fancy while the Germans would be producing powerful fighters and bombers thus changing how WWI ends. The 1800 Club must send back a club member with aviation knowledge and that turns out to be John Brand, a writer for an aviation magazine and ex-air force officer. He is shocked when he finds out the reason the brothers stopped trying to fly.Chapter II The Hindenburg MissionWhat happens if the Hindenburg blows up over the North Sea instead of over Lakehurst New Jersey as it really did? There would be no survivors, as all would drown in the North Sea causing their children and future ancestors not to exist. Doctors, artists, lawyers, statesmen...
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Book IV

Book IV

Robert P McAuley

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Science Fiction / Time Travel

Chapter I The Captain Eddie Rickenbacker MissionWorld War 1 is almost over when suddenly Captain Eddie Rickenbacker, America's top ace, is shot down. With his loss goes his drive to make flying a safe, every day convenience by becoming president of American Airlines and later during WWII, was an advisor to the president. Once again the 1800 Club taps a member to go back only to find out that he would be no match against a WWI German fighter pilot. He presents the club with his idea: Send back his grandfather.Chapter II The Amelia Earhart MissionWhat happens when Amelia Earhart and her navigator, Fred Noonan, completes the around-the-world flight that she originally disappeared on? Japan thinks that she was taking photographs of Truk, one of their naval staging islands, and attacks the U.S. earlier than she originally did. Signing a pact with Mexico Japan not only attacks Pearl Harbor but invades from Mexico and other spots along the Pacific coast. The club's president,...
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Time Travel Adventures of the 1800 Club. Book III

Time Travel Adventures of the 1800 Club. Book III

Robert P McAuley

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Science Fiction / Time Travel

Chapter 1 The Mark Twain MissionThere is a tremendous explosion on a docked steamboat and the levees of New Orleans are destroyed. The city is flooded and a young Mark Twain vanishes in the muddy waters of the Mississippi River. Not only will the future generations never get to read some of his best works but also the city will never become the great port and vacation center it is today. The 1800 club must send a member back and stop the explosion. They need a member who has an understanding of steamboats and their engines and selects Tommy "Whitey" Madden, a New York City detective. Tommy finds out that in order to prevent the explosion from becoming history he must inform Mark Twain about his mission and inadvertently gives him an idea for one of his most popular stories.Chapter 2 The Ronald Reagan MissionWhy would Ronald Reagan simply never exist? It was during his time as President of the United States that the Soviet Union was challenged by him to tear down the...
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Time Travel Adventures of the 1800 Club, Book 14

Time Travel Adventures of the 1800 Club, Book 14

Robert P McAuley

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Science Fiction / Time Travel

The 1800 Club is a 21st Century haven for people seeking to escape New York City's frantic pace. Dressed in clothes their ancestors might have worn during the 1800s, members enjoy foods of the period and read periodicals featuring news of a particular date in 1865. However, the 1800 Club also has an astounding secret; Time Travel. Members travel back in time to keep history on track.Story One: Matt does not return from a trip back in time and Bill calls John Brand and Rocky Perna, his two friends and time traveling companions, to go back and help him locate Matt. The Brooklyn Police Department is tracking them down as suspected diamond robbersStory Two: Bill goes back on a mission and finds out that he is stranded in time.
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Book 11

Book 11

Robert P McAuley

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Science Fiction / Time Travel

The 1800 Club is a 21st Century haven for people seeking to escape New York City's frantic pace. Dressed in clothes their ancestors might have worn during the 1800s, members enjoy foods of the period and read periodicals featuring news of a particular date in 1865. However, the 1800 Club also has an astounding secret; Time Travel. Members travel back in time to keep history on track.Chapter 1: The Nellie Bly Mission.When Nellie Bly disappears on a short sailing trip, Bill Scott, the president of the 1800 Club, goes back to rescue her and disappears as well. It takes a group effort from the people of the future and the members of the 1800 Club to locate them and the deadly vessel that saved them from a watery grave.Chapter II: The Mona Lisa Mission.A casual story over a cup of tea starts the 1800 Club on a wild hunt to retrieve the painting from the past and return it to the Louvre.
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Time Travel Adventures of the 1800 Club Book VIII

Time Travel Adventures of the 1800 Club Book VIII

Robert P McAuley

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Science Fiction / Time Travel

CHAPTER 1When a time probes alerts the Time Watchers that, 'Jack The Ripper' is up to his old tricks again and his next victim is an ancestor of one of the bodyguards of President Ronald Reagan when there was an assassination attempt on his life, the club voted to act and stop him. Twist after twist leads this club member in circles before he meets The Ripper face-to-face and answers the century old mysteryCHAPTER 2What if the Boeing Aircraft Company had never existed in the United States of America because Boeing's father lost his ticket to America at the dock he was to leave from in Europe? One tragic outcome would be that the Boeing B-17 and B-29 would never had been built prolonging the war and the number of men and women who would never return to their homes marrying and generating Lawyers, Teachers, Artists, Engineers and many just average folk. The club realizes this and sends a club member back to get the Boeing senior's ticket for his historic trip. However...
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New Jersey Yankee In King Arthur's Court

New Jersey Yankee In King Arthur's Court

Robert P McAuley

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Science Fiction / Time Travel

What happens when a group of eleven orphaned teens from the City of Keansburg, New Jersey, suddenly find themselves back in the days of King Arthur? Also along for the trip is an older, gray-haired man named Merryl who at one time was a magician. The ten boys and one girl along with the elderly magician soon find that they are an integral part of the fable of King Arthur and his Round Table.
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