A Flame in Hali

A Flame in Hali

Marion Zimmer Bradley

Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian

In the era of The Hundred Kingdoms, a time of war and unrest, King Carolin of Hastur and his friend Keeper Varzil Ridenow work selflessly to put an end to the destruction caused by the long range weapons of the magical matrix Towers. But Eduin Deslucido-who once called Carolin brother-has been consumed with a vengeful rage, and will stop at nothing to destroy the king and his plan for peace.
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The Shadow Matrix

The Shadow Matrix

Marion Zimmer Bradley

Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian

After spending her youth in the Terran Empire, Margaret Alton returns to Darkover, the planet of her birth. There she discovers she has the Alton Gift--forced rapport and compulsion--one of the strongest and most dangerous of the inherited Laran gifts of the telepathic Comyn--the ruling families of Darkover. And even as she struggles to control her newfound powers, Margaret finds herself falling in love with the Regent to the royal Elhalyn Domain, a man she has been forbidden to marry, for their alliance would irrevocably alter the power balance of their planet!
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Marion Zimmer Bradley

Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian

She had rejected her noble birthright and embraced the freedom only a man could claim. She was Romilly who lived among the beasts of hill and forest and communicated with them, who tried humanity and turned it down for its evils and jealousies. She had the MacAran Gift, the rare Laran that conferred mastery over hawk and horse.
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The Forest House

The Forest House

Marion Zimmer Bradley

Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian

The Forest House—prequel to The Mists of Avalon, Marion Zimmer Bradley’s beloved and enduring classic—is a mesmerizing epic of one woman’s mythic role at a turning point in history.In a Britain struggling to survive Roman invasion, Eilan is the daughter of a Druidic warleader, gifted with visions and marked by fate to become a priestess of the Forest House. But fate also led Eilan to Gaius, a soldier of mixed blood, son of the Romans sent to subdue the native British. For Gaius, Eilan felt forbidden love, and her terrible secret will haunt her even as she is anointed as the new High Priestess. With mighty enemies poised to destroy the magic the Forest House shelters, Eilan must trust in the power of the great Goddess to lead her through the treacherous labyrinth of her destiny. Take The Forest House Quiz!
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The Keeper's Price

The Keeper's Price

Marion Zimmer Bradley

Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian

From the back cover: The lore of the planet of the Bloody Sun, Darkover, with its human and semi-human peoples, its science of emntal powers, its loves and hates, its feuds and favors -- all have grown into one of the greater classics of the imagination, comparable only to the Middle Earth of Tolkien. For so deep and complex has been the creation of this worlds that readers have sought to fill in the unknown spots of its saga. They, forming the Friends of Darkover, have joined with Marion Zimmer Bradley to create this anthology of new stories of Darkover, written by its most talented followers. Here are stories that span the whole of Darkover history -- from the days after the original landfall, through the Ages of Chaos, the Pact of the Comyn, and the coming of the Terrans. Included are three original stories by Marion Zimmer Bradley and her editorial commentaries on each story.
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The Spell Sword

The Spell Sword

Marion Zimmer Bradley

Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian

Although Darkover was a world inhabited by humans as well as semi-humans, it was primarily forbidden ground to the Terran traders. Most of the planet's wild terrain was unexplored...and many of its peoples seclusive and secretive. But for Andrew Carr there was an attration he could not evade. Darkover drew him, Darkover haunted him--and when his mapping plane crashed in unknown heights, Darkover prepared to destroy him. Until the planet's magic asserted itself--and his destiny began to unfold along lines predicted only by phantoms and wonder workers of the kind Terran science could never acknowledge. THE SPELL SWORD is a Darkover novel to stand with the great ones of the series.
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The Bloody Sun

The Bloody Sun

Marion Zimmer Bradley

Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian

This is the re-written version of the original story. To Terran Jeff Kerwin the distant planet he remembered only as a childhood dream was home. But when years of planning finally brought him back to Darkover, ha found that there was no peace for him there--not for someone with both the red hair of a Com'yn lord and the bastard strains of Terrani in his blood; not for someone who carried a Darkovan matrix jewel without knowing where it came from; not for someone who managed to win th trust of the sacred Keepers and the secrets of their Tower, only to be accused of betrating them to his Terran masters...
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The World Wreckers

The World Wreckers

Marion Zimmer Bradley

Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian

Planetary Investments Unlimited--that was its official name. But unofficially it was knows as Worldwreckers, Inc.. For a fee, its agents would infiltrate any world unwilling to give up its independence, and do enough damage so the natives would be forced to allow Terran investors to step in and salvage their planet. And now, once again, its agents were at work. In the 78 years since Cottman IV, called Darkover by its natives, was rediscovered by the Terran Empire, all efforts to colonize and industrialize this exotic world had failed. And the person in charge of "Worldwreckers, Inc.", a centuries-old being who appeared to be a woman, had decided to take on this particular assignment herself. After all, she had special insight into this world, for long ago--lifetimes ago--she had called Darkover home...
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Marion Zimmer Bradley

Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian

Leonie Hastur, headstrong and lovely daughter of the Hastur Clan, most powerful of all the telepathic families who rule Darkover, is being escorted by her twin brother Lorill to Dalreuth Tower for training in the use of her psychic powers. Although this is the event she has long dreamed of—for her laran is so strong that she has been able to use it without benefit of training or the need of a matrix crystal—and she yearns for the power which will come to her if she succeeds in becoming a Keeper, she is deeply disturbed. For she is plagued by a terrifying premonition that haunts her days and disrupts her nights, the inescapable feeling that something is about to happen—something monumental and dangerous which will descend upon her world and change it utterly. And all she knows for certain is that this something will be coming from one of Darkover’s four moons…
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Priestess of Avalon

Priestess of Avalon

Marion Zimmer Bradley

Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian

Long-awaited final volume in the Avalon series by bestselling fantasy author, Marion Zimmer Bradley. As the Merlin of Britannia keeps his vigil atop the Tor of Avalon, Rian, the High Priestess of Avalon, dies giving birth to her fifth child. The girl, named Eilan with her mother's dying breath, takes life. From the stars the Merlin draws forth her prophecy: 'The child that was born at the Turning of Autumn, just as the night gave way to dawn, shall stand at the turning of the Age, the gateway between two worlds.' A prophecy of greatness, but it seems that she is destined to walk a path unlike any trod by a Priestess of Avalon before! Published posthumously, this spellbinding historical romance is the concluding volume in the Avalon series from Marion Zimmer Bradley, the author of the worldwide bestseller, The Mists of Avalon, who died in 1999.
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Lady of Avalon

Lady of Avalon

Marion Zimmer Bradley

Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian

Set in the time before King Arthur, this novel by Marion Zimmer Bradley brings the mesmerizing world of Avalon brilliantly to life with epic grandeur-telling the story of three remarkable women who alter the fortunes of Roman Britain as they fight to reclaim the magic and traditions of a once glorious past...
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