Witch Trials

Witch Trials

Steve Szalai

Steve Szalai

The Salem witch trials were a resounding success. than 300 years later, the United States is wealthy, safe, and pious. Selma accuses three boys of raping her. Short story (1,600 words).6 short stories that are cannibalistic in nature. In Don't Play With Your Food, a young couple on a camping trip find themselves fighting for their lives. This is followed by Dinner, in which a woman discovers her husband is cheating on her, with their neighbor. Fire involves a young boy that tortures animals and Ghost's From the Past reunites a father and daughter for a family Feast. In Family Ties a cousing brings a meal to her cousin only to find he has a feast of his own already prepared. The collection concludes with The Beast Inside, a story about a young werewolf who grows tired of being bullied and decides to bite back. If you have never read my writing and are looking for something to sample before buying, this would be a great addition to your library.
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