Neighborly Love

Neighborly Love

Scott D Wagner

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Horror

It’s noble to comfort a grieving widow, but Marvin gave too much comfort. That's all I'll tell you. Click the blue below to see why. Here it suffices to say that the story is short and free. Why read a summary when with little more effort you can read the whole thing? If you can't spare a moment more, you shouldn't be wasting time reading fiction anyway. Go back to work!"One can not judge a book by its cover." So we are told. But a cover is usually the only thing a reader has to base a judgment on. Smashwords tries to aid readers by providing summaries, one short, one long, for each book it distributes. For non-fiction this works well. But this, it seems to me, defeats the whole purpose of fiction. After all, one reads a story to find out what will happen. It’s the uncommon twists and turns that make a story interesting. But if a summary has told all this beforehand, what fun is to be had in the reading? Therefore, no summary of the present short story is given. It's short and it’s free! So read the whole thing and see if you like it. I ask you to do this because I think it is the best book judging method. To find fiction you like you must first read around enough to learn something of the style and stories of different authors. Then you can judge books, not by their cover, but by the your opinion of the writer. I'd like to help you do this. The present short story is one of several which I will make available free at Smashwords. Read a few (or all of them) and decide if you like them. It won't cost you a dime. If you like them, you can then purchase some of my not free (but still inexpensive) longer stories. All these stories are of one particular kind. To reflect this similarity all have the same cover picture, the Kitty & Rose shown above. So after you’ve read a few, you can, in fact, judge them by their cover. The common theme of the Kitty & Rose stories is human sexuality. This is not unusual. Most fiction concerns sex in one way or another; ranging from romances so sedate and demure an extraterrestrial could never know sex is at the root of everything described, to erotica so unrestricted even an extraterrestrial might blush. Kitty & Rose stories are in the middle of this range. All deal with human sexuality, but none do so explicitly. Rather, they are seemly. The dictionary gives three meanings for seemly: Attractive or agreeably fashioned; Decorous or conventionally proper; and Appropriate or suited to its purpose. With respect to appropriateness, seemly sex stories range from the humorous to the inspirational, but all concern human sexuality. So they are clearly appropriate. These stories are also seemly in the decorous and conventionally proper sense. For, while they treat sex candidly, they do not do so graphically. There is nothing pornographic nor erotic in any seemly sex story. Of course, different persons’ opinions about this may differ. A few consider frank pornography decorous. At the opposite extreme are those like the abbot of the monastery where the great biologist Gregor Mendel did his epochal research. This abbot thought Mendel’s studies were decidedly indecorous because they involved the sex of pea plants! Finally, there is the principal sense of seemly, attractive and agreeably fashioned. Like every author I exert my every effort and ability trying to make these stories seemly in this regard. But like every author, I must await your determination of the degree of my success. Since both of us will be pleased if you find them attractively seemly, I very much hope you do.Happy reading!BobbyBP.S. This is the second Kitty & Rose free short story. It's upload date is 2-15-17.
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Incident At Monticello

Incident At Monticello

Scott D Wagner

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Horror

In this Modern Classic, Daniel Rengaw is new to Notoriety. His Notoriety is what History wants to channel with. Men, myths, and memories of History, ask Daniel to re-write a wrong. It is the doings of History that help drive the tale. The obstruction is that History doesn’t always drive a true path. Maybe more true, and unsettling to Daniel, History leans against a post in the shadows of his mind.Daniel Rengaw “(POV)” is a published Historical Novelist drawn into a historical mystery. First, by a letter quilled by Thomas Jefferson. The letter holds the signature of Jefferson and is dated more than one hundred and eighty years after his death ‘The Document’, as it becomes known, is curiously found on the writing desk in Jefferson’s Study at Monticello. A place where it shouldn’t be. A place that few have access to.The Colorado Bureau of Investigation pushes the story further toward the murky as it determines that The Document could have indeed been penned by Jefferson. However, there are below the surface motives that may have skewed their analysis. These motives are both personal and internal. The internal: Fame driven greed of a Department Head. The personal: The same Department Head’s warm-for-the-form of Pamila Rengaw; Danny’s wife of thirty years. Both the Internal and Personal are over the shoulder glances that are looked at throughout the story.Doctor Rengaw is intrigued by a 63 page hand written political dossier sent him. The dossier’s implied meaning for our country, and the fact that it contains the same unknown acronym as The Document, furthers to tickle his curiosity. There is also confusion about an article in a Virginia newspaper. The Managing Editor can’t explain its origin or how it got into the edition. Rojer Ousten, Curator at Monticello and long time High School buddy of Danny’s, begs him to come to Monticello. For these reasons and others, Daniel agrees to go to Jefferson’s home. His going is a balancing act; solving the origin of The Document, and helping his friend with a Press Conference designed by the Monticello Foundation as a fund raiser. Daniel’s visit to Monticello is brief at only 48 hours. Yet it is never without happenings. A tumultuous Pacific wave rolling continual across the ocean.Monticello Foundation Chairman Peter Henderson, Rojer, and Daniel, attend a briefing with the FBI at Quantico. Assistant Director and Mr. Henderson’s friend, leads the analysis of the events that place The Document in the Study. This analysis determines a two second glitch in the digital security video from Jefferson’s Study. This glitch, this unexplained anomaly, is termed by the FBI as a Plasmic Event.That same evening while asleep at Monticello, Danny has a sleep walking experience. Danny has been a sleep-walker since childhood. That morning recalling his sleeping travel with Rojer, he tells of a dream conversation with Thomas Jefferson in the study. Together they view the digital surveillance of the Study. There is a similar glitch. A very similar two second glitch. Perhaps a Plasmic Event.This sends them in search of answers. Along the way they visit with the writer of the Dossier. They visit again only to find that he does not exist. They bump into other people that help them to find their answers. People that help; people that create questions.Daniel’s rink skating mind glides a continual circle of confusion. Nothing is clear. Then some focuses. In the end of this Part One, he thinks he understands what he is supposed to; what they need him to. But it is this why they want him to know, and the what they want him to do with it; this is his new wrestle. With this, in this, he leaves Monticello. Intent to answer the what.The two friends pull the reader within themselves as they share that which comes truest from the heart. Danny’s visit is laced with emotion, humor, anger, and searching for the truth. This travel passes close to some that once were here, again here, and again gone. Figures, that only in the end, are seen as who they are. Or who they were. Historical Icons.This smallest part of the body as I have just time-lined, is only the skeleton. The heart of the body is the true being of the story. There are the lives of the characters. Lives that are cloaked with struggles, abuse, victories, and walks that still need to come to end.
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Two Lost Souls

Two Lost Souls

Scott D Wagner

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Horror

Two Lost Souls continues the tale of Incident at Monticello. The Chosen words series is a sequential series. All books are meant to be read in order. Two lost Souls continues to follow the Rengaws and friends. Also their enemies. New characters are introduced. New story lines develop, and a unique perspective is introduced. The creative writing style of Scott D Wagner flourishes in this novel.Dear reader, just a reminder, the Chosen Word series is a true series. For purest enjoyment, understanding the characters, and following the wonderful story, Incident at Monticello should be read before Two Lost Souls.Two Lost Souls is the second book in the Chosen Words series. It is the follow up novel to Incident at Monticello. Enjoyable, humorous, and character driven, it is written with the unique Scott D Wagner flair. Having read Incident at Monticello, you know the touch of his style. Continue your journey with the Rengaws and their friends. And let’s not forget their enemies. This great story adds characters and twists forward in new directions. Enjoy the ride.Dear reader, just a reminder, the Chosen Word series is a true series. For purest enjoyment, understanding the characters, and following the wonderful story, Incident at Monticello should be read before Two Lost Souls.Two Lost Souls is the second book in the Chosen Words series. It is the follow up novel to Incident at Monticello. Enjoyable, humorous, and character driven, it is written with the unique Scott D Wagner flair. Having read Incident at Monticello, you know the touch of his style. Continue your journey with the Rengaws and their friends. And let’s not forget their enemies. This great story adds characters and twists forward in new directions. Enjoy the ride.Dear reader, just a reminder, the Chosen Word series is a true series. For purest enjoyment, understanding the characters, and following the wonderful story, Incident at Monticello should be read before Two Lost Souls.Two Lost Souls is the second book in the Chosen Words series. It is the follow up novel to Incident at Monticello. Enjoyable, humorous, and character driven, it is written with the unique Scott D Wagner flair. Having read Incident at Monticello, you know the touch of his style. Continue your journey with the Rengaws and their friends. And let’s not forget their enemies. This great story adds characters and twists forward in new directions. Enjoy the ride.Dear reader, just a reminder, the Chosen Word series is a true series. For purest enjoyment, understanding the characters, and following the wonderful story, Incident at Monticello should be read before Two Lost Souls.Two Lost Souls is the second book in the Chosen Words series. It is the follow up novel to Incident at Monticello. Enjoyable, humorous, and character driven, it is written with the unique Scott D Wagner flair. Having read Incident at Monticello, you know the touch of his style. Continue your journey with the Rengaws and their friends. And let’s not forget their enemies. This great story adds characters and twists forward in new directions. Enjoy the ride.
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