India is a land of diversities .The culture of India refers to the different religions, beliefs, customs, traditions, languages, ceremonies, arts, values and the way of life in India and its people. India's languages, religions, dance, music, architecture, food, and customs differ from place to place within the country.India is a land of diversities .The culture of India refers to the different religions, beliefs, customs, traditions, languages, ceremonies, arts, values and the way of life in India and its people. India's languages, religions, dance, music, architecture, food, and customs differ from place to place within the country. Despite of such a diversified traditions and cultures yet India is united as a single nation because of the emotion, love, affection and respect people have for each other's religion and customs. Indian are considered to be the best host and teach our children about “ Atithi devo bhava” An ancient indian phrase means( consider the guest as god).We love Christian,muslims,jew,Hindus each and ervery people of the world. We all know that since sixteen century we faces many attacks(from Mughals and English armies) and facing so much corruption after independence till now, but we Indians are feeling so proud to have such a nice person as our prime minister and that person is non another than our beloved P.M “Narendra Damodar Das Modi”. When he comes into the power on may,16,2014 India have suddenly changed, Now we people are hoping and will make sure that our country will became no. one in Asia. India’s macroeconomic health has improved over During this time. Few years ago, the country was called a “gasping elephant” by an HSBC analyst. Today, it’s not a stampede by any means, but it is a much healthier family of pachyderms. India’s growth rate is expected to surpass China’s this year in percentage terms. If all goes according to the government’s base case scenario, Indians can expect a 7.4% growth rate, according to government estimates. The World Bank estimates it at 7.2%, which still puts India ahead of China, the world’s No. 2 economy after the U.S.
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