A witchs touch, p.1
A Witch’s Touch, page 1

A Witch’s Touch
A Seven Kingdoms Tale 3
S.E. Smith
Seven Kingdoms/Cast of Characters
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Additional Books and Information
About the Author
I would like to thank my husband Steve for believing in me and being proud enough of me to give me the courage to follow my dream. I would also like to give a special thank you to my sister and best friend, Linda, who not only encouraged me to write, but who also read the manuscript. Also to my other friends who believe in me: Julie, Jackie, Christel, Sally, Jolanda, Lisa, Laurelle, Debbie, and Narelle. The girls that keep me going!
And a special thanks to Paul Heitsch, David Brenin, Samantha Cook, Suzanne Elise Freeman, and PJ Ochlan—the awesome voices behind my audiobooks!
—S.E. Smith
Paranormal Romance
A Witch’s Touch: A Seven Kingdoms Tale 3
Copyright © 2018 by S.E. Smith
First E-Book Published January 2018
Cover Design by Melody Simmons
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission from the author.
All characters and events in this book are fictitious or have been used fictitiously, and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, actual events, or organizations are strictly coincidental and not intended by the author.
Summary: A young witch is saved by a police detective searching for two missing women, and discovers he may be able to help her save her people.
ISBN (paperback) 978-1-944125-23-3
ISBN (eBook) 978-1-944125-23-3
Published in the United States by Montana Publishing.
{1. Fantasy Romance – Fiction. 2. Paranormal Romance – Fiction. 3. Action/Adventure – Fiction. 4. Fantasy – Fiction. 5. Romance – Fiction.}
As the darkness spreads, help comes when she needs it the most…
Marina Fae never considered herself a powerful witch or dreamed that she would one day be a warrior fighting to save her people. Her life changes when the Sea Witch’s dark magic sweeps across the Isle of Magic, turning those who resist or cannot escape to stone. Finding refuge in the dense mountain forest, Marina fights to protect the children left behind by Magna’s wave of destruction.
Detective Mike Hallbrook’s search for two women who disappeared in Yachats State Park takes an unexpected turn. He soon finds himself on an unfamiliar beach after rescuing a woman being attacked by a creature straight out of a horror movie. Stunned by the wild tale she tells him and the evidence surrounding them, he soon learns that everything she says is true—magic does exist—and that he is no longer on Earth. Marina’s pleas for help are impossible for Mike to ignore, and he knows he will do whatever he can to help save her people.
Marina and Mike must work together to save the Isle of Magic. As the Sea Witch’s evil spreads, they know they cannot stop her alone. With the help of the Dragon King and the King of the Sea People, they will confront the Sea Witch once and for all. But, what happens when they discover a darker entity hidden beneath—an entity that can only be stopped by the person they are trying to kill?
Seven Kingdoms/Cast of Characters
The Seven Kingdoms:
Isle of the Dragons: Ruler Drago
Gift from the Goddess—The Dragon’s Heart
Drago and the dragons were created second.
Isle of the Sea Serpent: Ruler Orion
Gift from the Goddess—The Eyes of the Sea Serpent
They control the oceans and the creatures who live there.
Isle of Magic: Rulers Queen Magika and King Oray
Gift from the Goddess—The Orb of Eternal Light
Their magic is the most powerful on their Isle but begins to fade when they leave it.
Isle of Giants: Ruler King Koorgan
Gift from the Goddess—The Tree of Life
They are capable of growing to massive sizes when threatened.
Isle of the Elementals: Rulers Queen Adrina and King Ruger
Gift from the Goddess—Gem of Power
The first created, they have power over the elements: earth, wind, fire, water, and sky.
Isle of the Pirates: Ruler The Pirate King Ashure Waves
Gift from the Goddess—The Cauldron of Spirits
Collectors of all things fine. Fierce and smart, they roam the Isles trading, bargaining, and occasionally helping themselves to items of interest.
Isle of the Monsters: Ruler Empress Nali
Gift from the Goddess—The Goddess’ Mirror
A haven for monsters thought to be too dangerous, rare, or unwelcome in any realm of the universe.
Magna: half witch/half sea people. She is Orion’s distant cousin on his father’s side
Drago: King of the Dragons.
Carly Tate: Banking Associate from Yachats, Oregon
Drago Jr. (DJ): Drago and Carly’s oldest son 4 years old
Stone: Drago and Carly’s second son 3 years old
Jenny ‘Roo’: Drago and Carly’s daughter 2 years old
Theron: Drago’s Captain of the Guard
Orion: King of the Sea People
Jenny Ackerly: School Teacher and Carly’s best friend
Dolph: Orion’s 8 year-old son from his first marriage
Juno: Orion’s 5 year-old son from his first marriage
Shamill: Orion’s first wife – deceased.
Kapian: Orion’s Captain of the Guard and best friend
Kelia: Orion’s elderly nursemaid
Coralus: Kelia’s husband, a royal guard & mentor to Orion and Kapian
Kell: Magna’s father
Seline: Magna’s mother
Ashure Waves: King of the Pirates
Bleu LaBluff: Ashure’s Second-in-Command
Nali: Empress of the Monsters
Gem: Princess of the Elements
Ross Galloway: Fisherman from Yachats, Oregon Mike Hallbrook: Detective for Yachats, Oregon Police Department
Ruth Hallbrook: Accountant and sister of Mike
Koorgan: King of the Giants
Marina: Witch
Isha: Captain of the Guard for the King and Queen of the Isle of Magic; Marina’s older brother.
Magika: Queen of the Isle of Magic
Oray: King of the Isle of Magic
Geoff: Marina’s younger brother
Erin: Marina’s younger sister
Gant: Koorgan’s Captain of the Guard and friend
Cyan: Female Cyclops: Boost’s mate
Boost: Male Cyclops: Cyan’s mate
Meir: Minotaur
“I can’t,” the old man mumbled, shaking his head in distress. “My magic will not work against the Queen. We are bound. No, no… the Queen is too powerful.”
“Oray,” the queen called from the doorway of their private study.
The King of the Isle of Magic looked up from where he was sitting behind the beautifully carved wood desk. His eyes were glazed with an ink-black film.
With a frown, the Queen stepped into the darkened room. She waved her hand and the blinds slid back. Oray rose from his seat with an animalistic snarl. The Queen’s hand froze in midair at the uncharacteristic sound.
“Isha,” the Queen quietly called, never taking her eyes off of her husband. She saw only a reflection of herself in his black eyes, not the warm, loving, and compassionate man who had once inhabited his body.
“I see it, Your Majesty,” Isha quietly responded.
* * *
Oray reached down and picked up the black box he had been talking to. Clutching the small, rectangular case between his gnarled hands, he pushed the chair back, and stepped into the shadows. His hands shook as the power inside the container began to surge, hungry for Magika and Isha’s magic. He knew what they were looking at—the box, his box. They wanted to take it from him and destroy it.
He would have given them the box if he could—but the dark magic that was wrapped around him made it impossible to surrender the small container. Instead, he protectively cradled it against his body.
“I command you to leave,” Oray ordered in a trembling voice.
“Oray, you are ill. Give me the box, and I will take you back to our living quarters to rest,” Magika requested in a gentle tone, stepping further into the room.
“This is not for you. It is my gift. No one else can have it,” Oray replied.
“When did she return it to you, Oray? The Sea Witch is banned from the Isle of Magic. You know that. You promised you would tell me if she returned. Please, husband, give the container to me. I miss wh
Oray trembled. He wanted to give in to his wife’s request. He missed her soft touch, the laughter in her voice, the love they felt for each other. She completed him….
No, she is trying to trick you, a voice hissed in his head.
Our love…, Oray started to argue before wincing at the intense pain that shot through his body.
… is an illusion. They are trying to destroy you. It is time. Call the Sea Witch, the voice commanded. We will stop the deceit of the Queen and her followers.
“Please, Oray,” Magika pleaded, stopping less than a foot from him.
Oray blinked at his wife, bringing her face into focus as he automatically reached out to her when she extended her hand toward him. His lips parted on a hiss, and he stumbled back several steps. Oray stopped when he hit the bookshelf behind him.
“Sea Witch… It has… commanded me to call you,” Oray said with a shudder. He bowed his head, struggling to hold onto the last of his sanity. “Magika… You must escape. It is too late. I cannot fight it any longer.”
Magika stepped back in shock when the small box in his hands began to dissolve into a dark mist that swirled around him. Oray lifted his head to gaze at his wife in agony. His fight to keep the creature from attaching itself to his magic was draining him. His gaze moved to the young warrior who came up behind Magika.
“It is too late. I can only hope to contain him long enough for you to get our Queen to safety,” Oray forced out past the blackness wrapped around his throat.
“NO!” Magika cried, reaching out again for her husband.
“You must escape, Your Majesty,” Isha ordered, pulling her behind him. “By the magic of my sword, you will release the King.”
Isha swung his glowing sword at the black mist, but Oray knew it was already too late. The box in his hand had changed and was reforming into a ghostly creature determined to enslave him. Tentacles of black clashed with Isha’s sword. Golden sparks glowed before the magic contained in Isha’s sword sizzled and hissed. The black essence greedily absorbed the additional magic.
Oray could feel the Sea Witch’s connection with the alien life form. Deep down, he was amazed that the young girl, who he had known since she was born, had been able to fight against the evil force contained within the black essence. The link he had with it allowed him to see what had happened to Magna. The parallels to his own situation were terrifying.
She had been overpowered, the same as he had been, and she was still there, trapped within it. Yet, he could still feel the essence of the young girl hidden beneath the layers—hiding, seeking her freedom. As hard as he had fought to understand, to resist, and to contain the malevolent life form, it had still sucked him into its suffocating grasp.
“Heart as cold as ice, keep my soul safe behind its frozen wall. I command you to seal me now,” Oray whispered the spell in a tortured voice.
“Oray, NO!” Magika cried, struggling to get to her husband.
Magika’s grief-stricken cry pierced him for a moment before the spell took effect. Oray knew the only way to protect his kingdom—and what was left of him—was to cast a spell that only his Queen or the death of the entity could one day free him from. A dusting of ice formed over his skin, turning it a light blue color. He exhaled small puffs of warm breath before white crystals formed. Inside, the blood in his veins slowed until even it no longer flowed.
He was alive, yet not. His body was stiff, moving like a puppet on a string handled by an inexperienced puppeteer when pushed by the evil mass flowing around him. The emotions from his last second of awareness were frozen on his face. The last thing he would remember would be Magika’s distraught face.
Oray was unaware of what happened next. In his frozen world, he was of no use to the creature. Nothing could touch him or control him now—not even the anguished cries of his beloved could penetrate the ice protecting his soul.
* * *
“Your Majesty, escape!” Isha shouted as he swung his spelled sword at the swirling bands.
He was forced to retreat when the black mass solidified and formed into a half dozen deadly sharp points. He sliced through three of them. His blade sparked as it passed through the mass that dissolved and reformed. He clenched the sword’s hilt with both hands, trying different spells and striking again and again in an effort to find out what would temporarily stop the beast.
Behind him, he heard the Queen utter a powerful spell. Veins made of diamonds rose from the floor. The long tubular coils twisted and turned, creating a cage around the creature. Isha turned when he saw, out of the corner of his eye, a movement near the window. From the shadows, Magna appeared. Dressed in a gown of blood-red with her black hair flowing around her as if caught in gale force winds, she stepped out of a swirling dark mist.
Isha continued his retreat. Behind him, he could hear the Queen’s footsteps as she fled to warn the other guards. He could already see thin cracks appearing in the diamond prison the Queen had formed around the creature. Reaching out, he gripped the handle of the door with one hand and held his sword pointed toward Magna with his other.
His gaze swept over the Sea Witch’s face. Her skin was pale as moonlight, and her dark eyes held a haunted expression that looked too large for her gaunt face. Her lips were the color of a moonless night and slightly parted. She stared at him with unblinking eyes the color of ink.
“The time has come for the magic held within the Isle to belong to us,” she said in a voice that echoed strangely in the room.
Isha’s hand tightened on the sword. “I will see you buried in the darkest regions of the ocean before the Isle of Magic will ever belong to you, Sea Witch,” Isha snarled in an icy tone.
Closing the door and locking it with a strong spell, he wrapped both hands around his sword. With a shout, he poured every ounce of his magic into the sword. Lifting it, he charged Magna.
She stood still, as if waiting for his blade to pierce her. The diamond walls exploded, creating a deafening noise. Isha felt the pain from the diamond shards as they struck him but ignored it. Slicing his sword through the air, he caught his breath when the end of the sharp blade was stopped by a thick, black tentacle less than an inch from Magna’s delicate neck.
Isha cried in pain when another deadly band wrapped around his waist. The band lifted him off his feet while other bands encircled his arms and legs. His sword, still glowing with his magic, fell from his numb fingers. He struggled, but the bands gripping him felt like a giant’s fist squeezing his body until he was sure his bones would snap.
Gasping for air, he watched Magna step forward and bend to pick up his sword. Isha tried to withdraw his magic from it, but the blackness was draining him. He slowly curled the fingers of his right hand in frustration.
“Mag…na,” he gasped.
“You have no idea of the power we are dealing with, Isha,” Magna informed him.
Isha blinked when Magna lifted his sword. He opened his fingers to prepare for her strike, but he was instead shocked when she placed the sword in his hand. Darkness blurred the edge of his vision as a serene smile appeared on her face.
“Sleep warrior,” Magna murmured.
Isha’s lips parted on a gasp. He could feel the spell burning through his body like a flash fire. His features hardened until he was no longer a living, breathing entity but a stone statue in the image of the great warrior that he once was.
* * *