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A Princess For Hans: A Modern Fairytale, page 1


A Princess For Hans: A Modern Fairytale
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A Princess For Hans_A Modern Fairytale


  A Princess for Hans

  By MK Moore

  © MK Moore 2018 Flirty Filth Publishing.

  All Rights Reserved

  By the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without permission of the publisher is unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author except for brief quotations used in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  The use of actors, artists, movies, TV shows and song titles/lyrics throughout this book are done so for storytelling purposes and should in no way be seen as an advertisement. Trademark names are used editorially with no intention of infringement of the respective owner’s trademark.

  This book is intended for adults only. Contains sexual content and language that may offend some. The suggested reading audience is 18 years or older. I consider this book as Erotic Adult Romance.


  Cover created by Elisa Leigh

  Editor Melinda G @ MKB Edits

  Proofer: Trisha R

  Dedicated to the princess in us all. Let her out occasionally. She likes it.

  Chapter One


  Once upon a time there was a prince seeking a princess to marry. This has been a tale that has gone on for ages and handed down from one generation to the next. It seems there is always a prince who is looking for the one woman he may call his ‘wife’.

  Boy meets girl, boy’s parents force him to be with her, and boy marries girl. After the newness of the nuptials has barely had a chance to wear off; said boy has a piece on the side, because he doesn’t love the girl his parents forced him to marry. The girl is a bitter hag who also doesn’t love him, and she sleeps around with anything that moves. Man, oh man, what a great life to look forward to.

  I shudder from thinking about living a life like that. It is a life I know I do not at all want. Even being a man in today's modern world, I know Happily Ever After is still the goal of every person who is looking for the one. The woman I am going to marry will be the love of my life from the first moment I see her, or I will remain a bachelor for the rest of my living days. There is no way I will accept anything less about the girl I am to marry.

  I cannot explain why I feel this way, but when I picture my life settling with a woman who doesn't love me as much as I will love her; it is a life I am positive I do not want. I have been looking for her steadily for five years now. The dreams I have of her are not normal dreams, but ones that have kept me from seeking any type of comfort from any other woman for a long while now. Five years is a long time to be without the warmth of a woman, but empty sex with random women is no longer appealing to me. Not that it was all that appealing before.

  I am from the kingdom of Denmark. Denmark’s history is vast, but currently it is known mainly for the beer that is produced, distributed, and exported to any, and all countries that are willing to pay for it. Also, we do have a royal family, who is the symbol of our people and who manages to somehow stay out of the press with any major upsets or scandals.

  We are not like those pesky Brits, who seem to always be in the press. I of course, jest and do this because I try very hard and do tend to stay out of the press. My little sister, Princess Caro makes waves wherever she goes, to try and ‘take a little of the stiffness out of the family’ as she states it. Unfortunately, this is much to the chagrin of her security detail, who is charged to keep an eye on her and to try and keep her out of trouble. Not sure that is working out very good for them.

  Recently, I started a brewery of my own called The Bearded Barrel Brewing Co, which is located on the grounds of our main palace, Eallesborough. It is found on the east side of the city and has become my pride and joy. If anyone is looking for me, they would more than likely need to go to the brewery and hope I am not wrapped up in my work.

  I go in to work every day at seven am and work until I am unable to keep my eyes open anymore, well after nightfall. All the experimenting to get the perfect flavor from the barley and hops we use are done by myself. Getting the correct and perfect flavor takes a lot of experimenting, time, and patience to get to the best end result. Our flavor of the season this year is a cinnamon flavored lager that is selling well with both men and women.

  Before I get too far ahead of myself, let me introduce myself to you. My name is Crown Prince Hans Frederik of the Danish royal family and as you may have already figured out, I am and have been on the hunt for a bride. I am not on the hunt for just any bride, but a hunt for a princess who will rival any, and all other princesses there are. At least this is how it will be in my eyes. Each, and every one of the princesses thrown my way so far are not at all what I’m looking for. They are not her. The her I dream of almost every night as I lay in bed tossing and turning.

  I feel deep down in my gut that none of the women who have been pushed at me are the right choice for me. I say this, because when I look at each one of them, I feel less than nothing in my gut or better yet in my heart. It is as if all my thoughts seem to be surrounded and consumed by this one woman. She is the other half of myself, whose name I don’t know or have a clue how to find out. At twenty-nine years of age, I have “sowed my wild oats” as they say and am ready to be King. However, to my utter disappointment I am unable to ascend to the throne vacated by the death of my father, without first being married to possibly some unknown person.

  Understandably, I want a marriage that rivals the greatest love story of all time and I refuse to marry for anything less than for love. It should not have to be this hard to find the one person who is meant for me, right? I am an eligible bachelor, who is ready to throw the title and meaning of that word away to find the one woman who is haunting my dreams. Deep down I want her and only her.

  Every day as I wake, I wonder when will the universe cooperate with me and either bring the woman of my dreams to me or let me to be able to find her? Deep down I have a need to make my mark upon the world but am unable to do this without finding her first. I do know that I won’t do it without her and I suppose if I wasn’t looking for her she would probably show up.

  Suddenly, I have an overwhelming desire to visit our estate in Helsingør. It is about forty-five minutes from Copenhagen and I am hoping the drive there and back will help clear my head enough to focus on what to do next. A visit to the country estate may be exactly what I need to clear my head to be able to figure out what help I need in finding my princess, I decide. My mother invites herself to come along, but I decide it won’t stop me from going and trying to clear my head. Relaxation is the key to finding my blonde goddess and I feel a change coming. Everything feels electrically charged in a way, and I’ve only felt something like that once before.

  While shopping on the Østerbrogade, looking to get a special bottle of cologne that it is famous for, I pass by a pub, where I thought I saw a flash of familiar blonde hair from the corner of my eye. When I turn to look back, there is nothing there as if I had imagined it. I feel as if I have been hit by a truck, not knowing if my mind is playing tricks on me or if there is a chance I could actually find her. It is simultaneously the best and worst feeling of my life.

  Chapter Two


  It is hard to believe that yesterday I saw him for the first time. Hans. He is going to be my future husband, even if he doesn’t know it yet. I caught a glimpse of him as he was walking by the pub I was in. To me, he is a God among normal men. There is an electric current which radiates on and from him, even with the wall of this ancient pub in the way.

  His muscles are ridiculously huge, deep green hypnotizing eyes, and hair which is cut in a short military style. I assume he probably keeps it cut in that style from his time in the Søværnet, the royal navy.

  I know he is looking for a bride to help him get control of his legacy after the death of his father, the king. The whole freaking world knows he must get married and is actively looking for a bride, which upsets me more than I can say. He is out there dating and probably having a grand time looking for a wife, while I pine away too scared to do anything about it. It isn’t and doesn’t seem fair.

  As sad as it all sounds and feels, I know deep down that he is meant for me. If I could find a way to get him to meet with me, I am positive the Universe will do its thing and let him know as well. It seems my luck has changed, or the fates have decided it’s time, when I see on the news in my hotel room that he is going to Helsingør for a break. Now it is time I formulate a plan on how to accidentally run into and meet the prince. A plan where I will do anything at my disposal or one where I use my one advantage to my benefit. It is probably cheating, and I don’t know much about my gift, never having formal training but I am going to use it and pray it does not blow up in my face.

  Doing what any other princess, who happens to be a witch would do; I turn up at his country estate soaking wet from a storm I caused. Why? Because most men need to be needed or at least feel they are needed, and I will do whatever helps me to get this man. It consumes my every waking moment and with the dreams I’ve had since
I was thirteen, he is already mine. Looking down at the clothing clinging to my body, I am not sure why I thought a white dress was a good idea but it’s too late and here I am.

  The day after my fourteenth birthday, I started to learn Danish because I could hear his voice as it came to me in a dream. He only said one phrase to me: “min Kone”. My wife. Thanks to Google and searching the net, I was able to figure out it was Danish. After my investigation, it did not take me long to decide that I needed to learn the language. Putting all my efforts into it, I became fluent as a native in the following years. I still had no idea what he looked like or who he was, but the voice alone to my ears was pure sin. It would be a sin I couldn’t wait to commit each, and every single day for the rest of my life.

  The dreams first started out innocently enough, but not soon after I turned eighteen the dreams became more erotic. It was about this time that I was able to catch glimpses of his face. There was no way to figure out who he was at first and I still didn’t know anything about him. Luckily, I was watching something on the TV and once I saw him on the news discussing human trafficking laws, I knew it was him. It all happened around five years ago. Now I am twenty-three and I’ve come into my powers fully, though I have no idea what I am doing or even if I should be doing anything. However, I am going to do what I must to get him.

  I know it is hard to understand for some, but I saved myself for him. Hans is my everything, therefore no other man interests me. Because of this, I decided not to give myself to any other man when it would mean absolutely nothing to me. Unfortunately, the saddest part of all of this is that he doesn’t even know who I am, and he has most likely been with others himself.

  I am the youngest child and unfortunately (depending on whose point of view you go by) the only daughter of King Alaric II of Germany and the former Princess Birgitta. I have always been told I get most of my features from one of my parents and as such everyone says I look just like my father. It is not something a girl ever wants to hear, especially when they have a mother who was very beautiful, and men would drool over her wherever she went. These are the stories that I grew up listening to and envying my mother for the love and attention she received.

  I personally do not think I am beautiful, but I am also not plain and consider myself to be pretty enough, I guess. My blonde hair is my least impressive attribute I have because it is too curly, which requires a lot of work each day to put it into some semblance of a style that is somewhat complimentary. My green eyes are the best feature I have and are an attention catcher, drawing notice from those who would normally overlook me. My body is at least petite, which I am told is an attribute I inherited from my mother.

  I never knew my mother because she passed away giving birth to me. She died before my grandfather passed away and he imparted to me every story and piece of knowledge he had about her. My father was a young man still with three children under eight when she passed away and left him. The grief over losing his other half was dealt with in the only way he could. It was only after a year when he started to have a whole slew of women he would visit but he never did bring any of them home. It was his way of not disrespecting his wife's memory and he could not imagine allowing or putting anyone else there and overriding her memory.

  In a way it is like how I feel about Hans, who consumes every thought I have each day all day long. Late at night is the worst when my thoughts drift to what he is doing or could be doing. I wonder who he is with and if that person is giving him the fulfillment he needs, or what I should be giving him to stay longer. It must be some amazing supermodel or actress, I’m sure.

  To be fair to him, once I turned eighteen he was no longer in the tabloids with any woman. It was then I decided he must be keeping a mistress. The thought of a mistress hurt the most because then it would mean she meant enough to him that he wanted her around and available to him. There were many nights I cried myself to sleep trying to gather the courage to confront him. Could it be possible he is in love with someone else and the universe is just fucking with me? I am a firm believer in she will provide everything and all you need, but one never really knows exactly what or who it maybe.

  Even if at this very moment he doesn’t love them, is it only about sex? Deep down I wonder what if I can’t please him? Keeping myself pure for him has its drawbacks and one of the biggest downsides is I have no personal knowledge on how to please him. I am awkward and unsure of myself, but It’s too late now though. I raise my hand and knock on the door while I wait impatiently for someone to answer the door. As it turns out I was looking down at my feet when the door opened.

  The very last thing I expected was for Hans himself to answer the door.

  “Can I help you?” He asks with what could be considered a little intrigue or maybe I am mistaking it for irritation. His powerful voice radiates. His voice is gruffer and somehow even more sexy than I imagined it would be. When I do finally look up and our eyes meet for the first time, I can see that he knows the same as I do. We are meant to be together. I feel it in my soul.

  “Um…” I can’t remember what I am supposed to say next.

  “You’re here.” He says as he grabs my hands with his.

  “I am.” I respond in a breathy voice I don’t recognize.

  “Come in out of the rain Gorgeous and we will get your dry and warmed.” Hans says, pulling me through the door and into the small entryway. I am freezing, but I don’t say anything because I made this mess myself and I feel I need deal with it.

  “Thank you, but please you don’t have to humor me.” I know and can feel my face as I am blushing.

  “I don’t follow.” He says with a confused look on his face.

  “I mean, you don’t have to humor me about being gorgeous.” I reply with a slight shrug.

  “It is amazing that I don’t think you understand how beautiful you are. You are radiant, and your eyes completely hypnotize me.” He earnestly says, I think.

  “It’s because no one has ever said anything like that to me before.” I say blushing.

  “What is your name?” He asks urgently.

  “Princess Amelia Catherine Brigitta of Germany. Everyone calls me Milly.” I reply.

  “A princess? This is very fortunate.” He growls at me.

  “It is?” I ask with some confusion.

  “Yes. I am looking for a bride and I feel like you are her.” He states.

  “I know you are Your Highness. It’s all over the news.” I say, my jealousy cannot be hidden. I hate that I know he’s a former playboy prince.

  “Are you jealous, Amelia?” He asks with a gleam in his eye.

  “Amelia?” I question with a lift of my eyebrow. It’s been so long since anyone has called me that. I think my governess was the last one to do so.

  “From your previous statement, I gather no one calls you that and I want to be different to you.” He says off handedly.

  “None of that matters, Hans. You already know that you are everything to me.” I simply say.

  “Am I?” He questions.

  We are still standing in the entryway and I have made a large puddle on the floor. I am positive I look like a drowned rat.

  “Hans, this is more intense than I thought it would be.” I say with trepidation.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I’ve dreamed of this moment for the last ten years.”

  “You’ve dreamt of me? I’ve dreamt of you too and I would know you anywhere.”

  “Hans, what are we going to do about this? Should I go? Let you court me properly?” I fumble with my hands in front of me.

  “Fuck no. I can’t wait for proper.” He growls and pulls me into his arms. My hands automatically go around his waist, as if they have always been there. When his lips slam down on mine, I see fireworks behind my eyes.

  His lips are somehow soft and hard at the same time. His large hands tangle in the wet mass of my hair. He teases me with his tongue. When I open my lips, he devours me. My dreams did nothing to prepare me for the headiness of this moment. His kiss makes me weak and yet strong at the same time.

  My first kiss takes me to a place I’ve never known. My mind focuses on the scent of cologne and how much I’ll always remember this moment. Instantly, a love that was always below the surface, rises and threatens to consume me in the best possible way.

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