

Michael Agelasto

Michael Agelasto

What might Holden Caulfield be like if he lived in the 21st Century media-infested environment? What if he does something so naughty that his parents severely punish him by taking away all his electronic devices? "Unplugged" takes place in contemporary Durham, North Carolina, and follows a few weeks in the life of a 17-year-old, Sterling Eumorfopoulos, a Mensa-registered genius.What might Holden Caulfield be like if he lived in the 21st Century media-infested environment? What if he does something so naughty that his parents severely punish him by taking away all his electronic devices? "Unplugged" takes place in contemporary Durham, North Carolina, and follows a few weeks in the life of a 17-year-old, Sterling Eumorfopoulos, a Mensa-registered genius. The Bildungsroman tracks him over the summer of 2009, through his training for an upcoming boxing match, his encounter with a grand jury and several sessions of psychotherapy.
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