The Neutral
Matt Chatelain
Mystery & Thrillers
Dirmac Nor is the Neutral, a rare creature who is a natural psycho-detective. He and his assistant, Clem Wilson, go to the remaining Earth Colony, to find out what is causing their communities to revolt and self-destruct. What they find tells them the Empress Empire is in big trouble.The Neutral is an old short story I wrote, intending it to be the first of a Sherlock Holmes in space series.An embalmer with sticky fingers gets a tip that he'll never forget.Firelight reveals the ghosts of conscience past.Film noir femmes fatales take on their craziest caper yet in a trip beyond the stars.Horrors crawl from the kitchen sink, only to find itself a monster among monsters.And six other stories full of twisting, turning hidden horrors await in Days of Madness 4.Featuring new stories by Absolutely*Kate, Chris Allinotte, R.S. Bohn, Erin Cole, Park Cooper & Barb Lien, William Davoll, Richard Godwin, Mav Skye, Benjamin Sobieck, Angel Zapata.
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