Resisting her who knew i.., p.1
Resisting Her: Who knew innocence could be so tempting, page 1

Resisting Her
Who knew innocence could be so tempting
Alexis Winter
Copyright 2018 by Alexis Winter - All rights reserved.
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He’s powerful, self-made and knows exactly what he wants…She’s a young woman trying to find her place in the world...when their world’s collide will they survive the fallout?
Ambitious and innocent, Madeline Strickland is ecstatic to land her first job out of college at the prestigious marketing firm Windsor Inc. Soon her outstanding work and talent are noticed by the hotter than hell CEO and owner Bennet Windsor himself.
Driven to help her succeed and grow her career he is torn by the lust and desire he feels every time they interact and his obligation to be a gentleman. Will he be able to resist her sexy innocence? Or will he succumb to his desire to own her body and soul?
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Bonus Content
Chapter 1
The snow had just begun to fall as Madeline rushed around her apartment. "Great…late on my first day" She muttered to herself as she slipped on her favorite black pumps. She grabbed her lunch, coat and purse and headed to the front door, stopping to give herself a once over in the mirror one more time. She had chosen a sensible sheath dress and heels and kept her makeup natural and her long blonde hair in loose curls.
"Ok here we go, first day…you got this!" She gave herself a quick pep talk as she put on her coat and headed for the train.
Madeline nervously bounced her leg as she waited in the lobby for the HR rep to meet her and show her to her desk. A tall, young brunette approached Madeline with a file, badge and an outstretched hand.
"Hi Madeline? I’m Janelle from HR here to show you around and get you started today." Madeline smiled and introduced herself in return and followed Janelle to a large bank of elevators behind the reception desk.
"So I know you’ve obviously been here a few times through the interview process but I’ll be showing you where your cubicle is located, introducing you to your team and giving you a quick tour of the building. We have the top three floors of the building, your team and cubicle are located on the second floor and the top floor is where Mr. Windsor’s office is located." Janelle continued to rattle off general office information and explain what paperwork Madeline still needed to fill out. Madeline nodded her head and tried to take it all in as Janelle exited the elevator and quickly navigated the large halls of the second floor.
"This is your cubicle which is surrounded by all the other creative members of your team so other graphic designers, copy writers, editors, etc. You’ve obviously met your boss Vince already, his office is located just over that last cubicle wall. This floor has its own kitchen, fully stocked break room and several conference and huddle rooms."
Madeline set her stuff down on her desk and continued to follow Janelle around the second floor, stopping to introduce her to several key people on her team. When she finally got back to her desk she took a few deep breaths and tried to take in everything she had just heard.
After grabbing some coffee she headed into her boss Vince’s office to get direction on what projects and campaigns she would be working on, more general office information and an invitation to an upcoming happy hour with the team.
The day went on with more introductions, lunch with a few coworkers and diving head first into the files she would be working on for the next several weeks. By the time she made it back home she was exhausted but genuinely excited for this next chapter of her life. She had loved college but was ready to say goodbye to dorm rooms and house parties and ready to embrace her independence.
She kicked off her shoes and laid back on her bed pointing a finger in the air as if she were looking at herself in a mirror and thought aloud…"I am going to kick ass at this job…I didn’t work as hard as I did through college to just be another lackey barely getting by." Her pep talk to herself was interrupted by the sound of her phone buzzing.
"Hey Jazmine, how’s it going?" Jazmine was Madeline’s best friend and former college roommate. They had only known each other a few years but it seemed like a lifetime…They just seemed to click when they first met and were inseparable ever since.
"So how’d the first day go? Was everyone sitting around smoking and drinking Old Fashions?"
Madeline scrunched her face in confusion, "What the hell are you talking about?"
Jazmine laughed, "You know, like in Mad Men? I just can’t help thinking that’s what all marketing firms are like...I’m just kidding of course."
"Oh ok, yeah no it’s nothing like that. The office itself is very modern and nice, very bougie but most of my team looked more hipster or could be confused for Urban Outfitters employees. I knew what I signed up for when I decided to pursue an art degree but hey it’s what I love."
She continued to tell Jazmine about her first impressions of the place and her determination to make something of herself at this job by using it as a launching pad for her career. They continued to talk about their days as Madeline walked around her bedroom changing into her gym clothes.
"Ok so are we going to boxing tonight or what? I’m already changing so you can’t back out on me now." Madeline put the phone on speaker and threw it on her bed as she laced up her tennis shoes.
"Nope I’m already dressed and ready to go, just walking to the train now." Jazmine replied as she ran out her front door.
"Great, see you in a few muah!" Madeline threw her phone and water bottle in her bag, threw on five more layers to survive the Chicago winter and ran out the door to catch her train.
Madeline and Jazmine laughed and talked about their weekend plans as they came out of the locker room and headed over to their ring. "Whoa who in the hot hell is THAT?" Jazmine gasped as she subtly pointed to a tall, dark haired guy in the corner doing some warmup moves. Madeline literally tripped over her own feet as she made eye contact with him through the mirror he was standing in front of.
"Oh that’s Ben, he’s a regular here. You ladies ready to stop drooling and get your butt’s kicked?" Damon said as he tightened the band on his mitts.
"Listen Damon that man looks like he needs friends and Maddie and I here are very friendly so honestly you should do him a favor and introduce us" Jazmine said as she batted her long eyelashes.
"Ha-ha let’s get to work you lazy bums, you’re looking like you might be fighting off some holiday weight" Damon responded with a smirk.
"Okay it’s go time bitch!" Jazmine said as she and Maddie started punching Damon.
"Hurry up and get your stuff so we can see that guy again!" Jazmine said as she scooted around Madeline.
"Uh why are you so obsessed with meeting this guy, aren’t things just dreamy with Ethan?" She said as she reached for her coat in her locker. "Oh wait…NO! You’re not going to hook me up with someone again Jaz, your last attempt called me "bro" and offered a threesome on our first date…so PASS!"
"Maddie come on, it’s been like 9 months since you and Jake broke up and I’m starting to worry your virginity is going to grow back." Madeline rolled her eyes and picked up the rest of her stuff.
"I’m fine, honestly. I’m over Jake, I’ve just been focused on this new job and transitioning from college to “adult-hood.”
Jazmine turned to her friend and put her hands on her elbows, "Fine I’ll let it go for now, but if I come over and you’ve adopted cats I’m sending for help." Both girls laughed and headed out of the gym to go home.
Chapter 2
Madeline grabbed her coffee and settled into her desk. The last two and half months had gone by quickly and she had settled into a nice routine with work, going to the gym and her social life…There still hadn’t been a lot of dates but she had gone out with her coworkers a few times and there was always her weekend brunch dates with Jazmine.
She had been working diligently on a recent campaign for a watch company that would run in some major fashion magazines so she was determined to bring nothing but perfection to the table.
Madeline jumped back from staring intently at her computer screen, "Oh hi Mr. Thomas!" She said with surprise.
“I'm sorry I didn’t mean to scare you and for the last time it's Vince, I’m not your father." He said with a smirk. "Anyway, Mr. Windsor wants to me
"Yeah ok, wow! Um now or?" She stammered a bit as she tried to gather her thoughts.
"No sometime this week, his assistant will send you an invite. I’m not surprised he wants to meet with you Madeline, I told you in your interview your portfolio speaks for itself and you have incredible talent." He gave her cubicle wall a quick pat and then walked back to his office.
"Well how the hell am I supposed to stay focused now?" She muttered to herself. She took a few moments to collect herself, guzzle down half of her coffee and channel all of her anxious energy into finishing this watch campaign so that she could walk confidently into her meeting later this week with Mr. Windsor.
"So has your boss or like…boss’s boss rather ever called you into his office?" Madeline asked as she took a sip of her martini.
"Uh no but it’s not the same in a hospital. What for? Disciplinary matters? That’s the only reason I could ever see getting called into the hospital directors office." Jazmine replied.
"No not discipline, sorry I’m not making any sense. My boss told me today that the owner of my firm wants to meet with me this week and that it was good news. I guess he’s noticed my work…although I'm not sure what it is exactly he wants to talk about." She said as she nervously played with the olives in her glass.
"Holy shit Maddie that’s great news! Ya know, I told you when we graduated you were going to kill it, stop doubting yourself. Have you ever met him before?" Jazmine rubbed Madeline’s arm and lifted her glass for a cheers.
"Thank you, I know I’m just nervous and anxious…No I haven’t met him and weirdly I don’t have a clue what he looks like. I know he has a private elevator so he doesn’t have to interact with his minions." She said with a laugh.
"Ok let’s look him up! That way you can imagine his face when you’re preparing your speech you’re going to give him about how amazing you are and that he should give you a raise!" Jazmine said as she reached for her phone.
"Ha, ok I’m not asking for a raise less than three months in but yeah let’s look him up, his name is Bennet Windsor."
Jazmine furiously typed his name into her cell phone and then froze. "Oh my God," she exclaimed with dramatic pauses between every word.
"What?" Madeline replied as she furrowed her brow in confusion.
"Umm ok, so remember that guy we saw in our boxing studio?"
"What? Yeah why?" Madeline was now thoroughly confused. "Just spit it out Jazmine. Actually let me see the phone." She went to grab Jazmine’s phone but her hand was smacked away.
"Sooooo HE is the guy from the boxing studio!" She squealed as she turned the face of the phone toward Madeline.
"WHAT?!" Madeline grabbed the phone to get a closer look as if that would clarify anything. "Holy shit Jaz he is so hot!!! How am I going to keep my shit together in a meeting with him?! He made eye contact with me at the boxing studio and I tripped over my own feet!"
Jazmine laughed and grabbed Madeline’s arm, "This is amazing, and I can’t wait to hear how you nervously sneeze on him or something." She continued laughing as Madeline crossed her arms in annoyance. "No really Maddie you’ll be fine. It’s just too funny, I mean what are the odds?! Don’t sweat it though, just keep telling yourself he’s your boss or your boss’s boss and that will put you in a business mindset."
Madeline sighed, "Yeah you’re right…but we do have to change gyms!" She said in all seriousness.
Madeline had set her alarm thirty minutes early to ensure she enough time to pick out the right outfit, get to work in plenty of time to not feel rushed before her meeting with Mr. Windsor and of course give herself a pep talk in the mirror before she ran to catch her train. Her meeting wasn’t until 10:00 am and she was always at work by 8:30 am which gave her plenty of time to enjoy a cup of coffee and get about the day’s business. She was deep in though going over some image details for an upcoming vitamin campaign when her computer alerted her to her meeting that took place in 15 minutes. She jumped and grabbed her chest as she silenced the reminder.
"You okay Maddie?" Jason asked as he walked by her cubicle.
"Hmm? Oh yeah, was just lost in work I guess." She smiled casually while her breathing calmed.
"So are you coming out with us tonight? A few of us were going to check out that new Ramen place off of Huron." Madeline tried to listen to what Jason was saying but she was completely distracted.
"I have a boxing class tonight actually but next time for sure." She said as she gathered her portfolio and pen.
"Sounds good, your loss though…I was buying tonight." He said with a wink as he walked away.
Madeline’s heart felt like it was about two seconds away from leaping out of her chest as she rode the elevator up to the top floor.
"Oh my god my boobs are sweating!" She said to herself as she readjusted her bra. She felt like a newborn deer as she walked towards Mr. Windsor’s assistant. The top floor looked like every top floor office you’d seen in movies…a lot of windows, streamlined black and white decor and of course a massive corner office where Mr. Windsor commanded his empire.
"Hi there you must be Madeline?" A small, chipper woman looked up from the desk outside his office.
"Hi, yes I have a meeting with Mr. Windsor at 10." She managed to squeak out.
"He is just finishing up a call and he will be right with you." She said with a wide, toothy smile. "Can I get you anything to drink?"
"Oh no I’m ok tha-" She was interrupted by the intercom beeping and a deep voice.
"Janice you can send in Miss Strickland now thank you."
“I’ll send her right in." She replied as she got up to walk Madeline to the large doors of his office.
Chapter 3
Madeline stepped into the office and gingerly made her way towards Mr. Windsor’s desk.
"Ah hello Miss Strickland it’s nice to finally meet the woman who has been bringing such innovative talent to my graphics team." He said confidently as he thrust out his hand.
"Uh, Um thank you Sir!" Madeline choked out as she shook his hand.
"Please have a seat," he said as he gestured to the chairs in front of his desk.
He proceeded to unbutton his suit coat and sit back in his chair. “I'm sure you’re wondering why I requested this meeting. I try to have a quarterly meeting with each team to get feedback and see how the morale is but I wanted to speak with you specifically because your work in these few short months has been outstanding. I’m not speaking about just your work ethic and ability to excel at deadlines but the innovative techniques and vision you bring to the team are of someone with years of experience and insight." Madeline tried to keep up and understand everything he was saying but she couldn’t help but wonder if he recognized her from the gym.
"Well thank you for the compliments Mr. Windsor, honestly coming from you it means so much. I really try to just be honest and sincere in my work and lead with intuition. I know the market and trends also play a large impact but I really try to marry them together in a cohesive way that is reflected in my work." Madeline elaborated a little on where she draws her inspiration and what lead her to ultimately choose graphic design and media marketing as her focus in school.
Mr. Windsor grabbed a file off his desk and walked over to the chair next to Madeline. "Listen Madeline, we have just landed some major accounts and I’d like you take a look at them in this file and give me your thoughts. I know this probably seems like a lot of pressure but I’m honestly just looking for your initial thoughts and ideas." As he spoke he scooted his chair closer to Madeline and opened the file. He proceeded to pull out some of the contracts and explain a little about each client; their wants, previous experiences with other firms, etc. As he pulled out the contracts his hand brushed Madeline’s bare knee and she jumped.