We met in argentina inte.., p.1
We Met In Argentina (International Alphas Book 6), page 1

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African-American Jenna Lockley was a private investigator who was one of the best in her field.
And it was because of this, that billionaire Lance Pierce hired her to help find his missing sister.
The two of them met in Buenos Aires, Argentina to trace his sister's last movements.
And as Jenna worked hard on investigating the case she soon found she was more than distracted by how handsome Lance was.
Those hands. Those eyes. Those lips.
Could Jenna find the missing girl and also find love at the same time?
Warning: This is not your average Billionaire Romance. Expect mystery, suspense, intrigue and hot sex in a book that will keep you reading till the very end. A MUST READ!
Copyright Notice
We Met In Argentina © 2018, Alexis Gold
This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
Jenna sat at the long mahogany bar, her legs crossed elegantly so that her short black skirt teased at her sculpted, athletic build. She scanned the room slowly and took it all in, the colorful lights and bottles reflected against her large, dark brown eyes. A tight spiral of black hair fell into her view, and she brushed it away with a graceful hand. Her warm, brown skin was a beautiful contrast to the cool shades of blue, green, and teal that made up the bar decor.
Jenna sighed softly to herself and glanced at the bartender, as she raised her hand for another tequila on the rocks.
“What the hell have I gotten myself into?” she whispered to no one in particular.
Her phone vibrated loudly on the bartop and startled her with the sudden burst of energy. The photo that popped up on her phone was of herself and a petite Asian woman, both laughing as a whirl of excitement at a concert went on behind them. Jenna grabbed the phone and answered.
“Danielle, I told you I’m fine.” Jenna rolled her eyes at her worried friend.
“Yeah, you said that, but a kidnapper could easily force you to unlock your phone and send a text saying you’re fine. I just wanted to be sure.”
Jenna sipped her tequila. “You do remember I was a cop for six years, right? In New York City, on third shift? You really think I couldn’t handle myself in a new city?”
Danielle laughed. “Well, I tend to forget that. All you mentioned about this case was that a girl disappeared, so I can’t help that my anxiety leads me to jump to conclusions and decide that no matter where you are, you are in danger.”
“You’ve been listening to too many serial killer podcasts. Take it easy, and I’ll call you tomorrow. Bye, Danielle.”
“Fine. Later, Jenna.”
Jenna hung up the phone and shook her head, smiling a little as she took another sip of her tequila and thought of her friend. Danielle was the sweetest, best friend she had, but she was a worrier, and considering Jenna’s line of business, she had a lot of opportunities to worry.
She reached into her leather bag and pulled out a small tablet. She turned it on and brought up her most recent case file. As a private investigator, she’d finally gotten the big case she had always wanted. She was working for a big time client, the Pierce family of the precious metal company by the same name. The father had contacted her when his daughter had gone missing while visiting Buenos Aires. He’d heard about her knack for working on missing persons cases at the NYPD, and her recent success as a PI.
Jenna thought back to the meeting they’d had. He’d called her into his mansion office, the ceilings towering over her so much she felt like she was in a dollhouse. The place was like a museum; paintings and artifacts were precisely hung or placed, and every nook and cranny was dusted and sparkling. She couldn’t imagine how many people it took to keep the place clean.
He had given her everything that she needed: family enemies, family members, rivals who might be after them, and where his daughter had last been seen last in Argentina. She was given access to Lia’s bank account and phone, but everything had stopped. No money was coming out, and that was a big red flag.
“Lia isn’t like this. She keeps in touch, and she’s always posting photos to social media. It’s like she just… disappeared.” Mr. Pierce had broken down at the words. He was a wreck and was genuinely worried about his daughter.
His cries echoed in Jenna’s ears as she stared at the picture of the young woman on her screen. Jenna had a petite face with long blonde hair and green eyes, with a smile so perfect she would melt your heart. She had been going to school for business at Harvard and planned on taking over the company with her brother Lachlann in a few years.
Jenna folded the cover over her tablet and returned it to her bag. She had landed just a few short hours ago, and the long day of travel and stress that hung over this case was wearing her down. She took another sip of her tequila, letting it warm her throat and cool her nerves.
She heard the footsteps of a large man behind her, and from the loud cracks they made on the glossed wood floor, it sounded like he was wearing cowboy boots. She tensed ever so slightly as they drew closer. She was accustomed to strange men approaching her at bars, but it felt different in an unfamiliar city. She looked to the ground and hoped the cue would work, but instead she saw smooth black, buffed cowboy boots stop beside her.
Her eyes trailed up the boots, the tops covered by dark jeans that tightened as they went up the seemingly endless, muscular legs. She could tell the gentleman was packing well under those jeans, as she traced along his belt to the clean flannel shirt neatly tucked in against a trim waist. His chest and shoulders broadened, and arms that looked fit for action were crossed against his barrel of a chest. He smirked as she looked up to his face, displaying a dimple crinkled on his left cheek through sandy blonde stubble. His jaw was strong, and his high cheek bones almost hid his bright green eyes. Dark blonde hair fell over his eyes, and he reached up a hand and pushed it back so he could see her.
“Evening, ma’am,” he said with a faux accent.
Jenna paused and gave a small, “You know, I don’t think I’ve actually ever met a cowboy, and it appears I still haven’t.”
He gave a small frown that she realized resembled more of a pout. “Are you saying I’m not a real cowboy? I have the boots, the flannel, the jeans. I know, no hat, but it just didn’t fit me right.” That same irresistible smirk came over his lips.
She gave a light laugh. “No, it’s just that everything is new. If you were a real cowboy, your clothes and boots would be dusty, dirty, worn, or scuffed. You’re not tricking anyone, sir.”
Jenna took a sip of her tequila, her eyes holding his gaze as he studied her.
“You’ve got me, ma’am. Can I buy you a drink as a prize?” He pulled out a chair and sat down next to her.
She looked at him as he adjusted himself at the bar. He must have been in his early thirties like her. He was ridiculously handsome, and his eyes seemed so familiar and so kind. Jenna had learned throughout the years to trust her gut instinct with people; she could usually sniff out a bad character when she crossed paths with one. This man didn’t seem like one. His presence was electric, yet comforting.
“I’m no ma’am; that’s my mother. I’m Jenna. And a tequila on the rocks please.” She held out a hand, and he turned to face her. He reached out and his large, warm hand devoured hers in a shake.
“Lance. It’s nice to meet you, Jenna. So you’re from the States too? I just got here yesterday and haven’t run into too many other tourists. It seems to be the off-season.” He raised a hand at the bartender and signaled for two drinks.
“I am. I just arrived today and you are the first person I have spoken to in English. So, you’re like my own private greeter, like one of the people who holds the sign at the airport with a name.”
He chuckled at the thought, “I like that; I always thought that job looked fun.
“I don’t think I’d mind.” Jenna felt her cheeks grow warm. While she was flirtatious, she usually wasn’t this bold. But something about this guy intrigued her. She wanted to talk to him, place her hand on one of his thighs, and feel his warmth beneath her hand.
“So, Jenna, what brings you to the beautiful city of Buenos Aires? Business or pleasure?” He sipped his own drink as he waited for her reply.
“Business; I’m meeting up with a colleague to go over some work.” Jenna felt a twinge of guilt. Even though she would never discuss a client case with a complete stranger, she felt bad not being truthful with this man she had just met. She tried to brush the thought away, confused at her own mind playing tricks on her.
“I see. Well, will you have some time to hang out a bit? Maybe some surfing, relaxing beachside, or horseback riding through the ranches? You know, some time for pleasure?” His brow raised in curiosity, and he had lingered on the word pleasure.
His fingers traced the rim of his glass, his lips curling in that mischievous smirk again. Jenna felt herself melt and her knees grow weak just looking at his dimple, messy hair, and perfectly cut stubble. She felt a warm sensation in her middle, her desire growing as he seemed to cast some sort of spell on her.
“Oh, I think I can manage. Say, what are you up to tonight?” Jenna shocked even herself at this statement, as she very rarely made the first move, let alone with a stranger, in a new city after hardly getting to know the man.
He quirked a brow in surprise. “I just so happen to be free tonight. And, I have a very nice beach house that, to be honest, has been quite lonely since I arrived. Big ole’ house with no one to share it with.” He sighed with feigned sadness.
“Lance, I should have you know that I am a top-notch cabin company provider. I can take any lonely beach house and make it the most fun, amazing beach house you have ever stayed in. That’s my guarantee.” Jenna met his eyes and sipped her tequila, then set down the glass and reached out to lay her hand over his own on the bar. He relaxed under her touch and gave a nod.
“Well, then. It’s settled. We really need to head back to my place and make it way less lonely. Sound like a deal?”
The two picked up their glasses, cheered, and knocked the rest back.
As soon as they walked through the door, Jenna pushed Lance against the wall, wrapped her hands around the back of his neck and pulled him in for a passionate, deep kiss. He grabbed her hips and hoisted them up around his waist, her legs wrapping tightly around him. She couldn’t get close enough to him, couldn’t wait to feel his skin beneath her fingertips.
He pulled away briefly. “Jenna, you were correct. You are very good at making a lonely house much more exciting.”
She laughed and pulled him close again, lips exploring his jawline and neck as he carried her through the huge house, boot steps echoing against deep, dark wooden floors. She laughed as his stubble tickled her, when he nipped gently at her collar bone and traced up her neck.
He gently placed her on the king sized bed, and she immediately sank into the down feather comforter and lay back to watch him pull off his flannel shirt and tight white shirt beneath it. The white walls climbed high, and giant windows with clean, thin curtains let silvery moonlight in that caught his face in the most beautiful way. The smell of the ocean and sound of the waves came through the open glass as he undid his belt and removed his pants.
Jenna felt herself grow wet; she was warm and her clit pulsed in excitement. She felt her heart racing as he lowered himself onto the bed, hovering over her, and she could feel the heat radiating from him. The bulge in his briefs grew even more as he grabbed her shirt and yanked it off, his eyes hungry for her.
Jenna reached down and pulled off her skirt, revealing her white laced thong that traced the curves of her body perfectly. Lance moaned with excitement; then he leaned down and began to gently kiss her thighs. Jenna let out a moan of her own. His hands on her felt so good, and his lips were working their way toward her pulsing clit. She slowly let her legs open, and as she did so, he reached up and pulled down her thong, slid it over her legs, and tossed it back.
His lips moved further in; his tongue delicately flicked her clit, and she gasped as sparks exploded behind her eyes. He took the cue and slowly began to circle her throbbing clit, hands gently massaging her legs and hips as he did so. She rolled with the motion, letting her gasps and moans escape her as she lost herself in the waves of pleasure.
He teased her a bit. His lips traced their way up to her belly button and nipples, and he playfully licked and gently bit each one until she moaned with more intense pleasure, until she begged for more.
“Please, I want more,” she whispered, her dark eyes glassy and dilated with a flood of pleasure.
“Mmmm, you want more, do you?” he teased from below her belly, face peeking from between her legs.
“Yes, please,” she whispered desperately. She needed more.
“Ok, only because you said please.” His lips were already working back toward her aching clit.
As his tongue swirled harder and harder, she grabbed that thick, sandy blonde hair and pulled gently as the pleasure pulsated through every inch of her body. She rocked with motion as his hands guided her hips to pull her pussy in closer to his lips, and he licked harder and harder with each gasp of pleasure.
She heard the waves outside as they crashed to the shore, the white noise perfect to lull her into a deep trance of pure bodily pleasure, until she could no longer contain herself. Her pussy was slick with her own wetness, her clit swollen and sensitive from the stimulation, and she felt the buildup of pressure within her middle.
“I need you inside me.” She could hardly get the words past her lips.
Without moving, he took one gentle hand and slowly worked inside of her. His thumb rested just below her clit, his tongue still circling in a rhythmic motion, but the added pressure put her over the top. As she felt his finger reach inside her and hit her just right, she exploded in an orgasm.
She screamed as muscles spasmed in euphoric unison, and her hips thrusted in primal motions, but he didn’t move his lips or his hands, so as not to disturb her full body experience. She felt the throbs subside, but the warmth spread from her middle to her limbs, to every inch of her body, and then the most relaxed sensation spread throughout.
She looked up with eyes half closed in pleasure. Then she smiled at him and murmured, “Thank you. Your turn?”
He smiled back, his cock still throbbing in his briefs. “Tonight, it’s all about you. We’ll have time to get to me later.”
“The only but I want is your butt.” She grinned as he cuddled up beside her, turned her over, and smacked her ass.
“Well, thank you,” she said simply, somewhat surprised by the turn of events.
He leaned in close, his eyes staring into hers with a connection that seemed to feel all too familiar to Jenna; she couldn’t place it, but it was like she had found an old friend. She leaned in and kissed him deeply, softer this time with more tenderness. He cradled her in his arms as they locked lips and pulled her close to his warm, large chest until she was atop him. When they drew apart, he rested his chin on her head and gently rubbed her back. Jenna felt more relaxed than she ever thought possible and quickly drifted into a deep sleep.