Boardroom bride a fake f.., p.1
Boardroom Bride: A Fake Fiance Secret Pregnancy Romance, page 1

Table of Contents
Boardroom Bride
Also By Naughty Angel Publishing
Author’s note
Table of Contents Instructions
Press Release
Press Release
Press Release
The Capitalist Chronicle
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
The Capitalist Chronicle
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
The Capitalist Chronicle
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
The Capitalist Chronicle
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
The Capitalist Chronicle
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
The Capitalist Chronicle
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Protein Shake
Brittney vs. Banker
Head Hunter
Lust Muscle
The Biggest Licker
Kim vs. Stepbrother
Stories From The 6 Train
Boardroom Bride
A Fake Fiance Secret Pregnancy Romance
By Alexis Angel
Copyright 2018 by Naughty Angel Publishing
All rights reserved
This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or persons is entirely coincidental. This work is intended for adults only.
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Also By Naughty Angel Publishing
Abby Angel
Men of the House
Woman of the House
Mergers & Acquisitions
Profit & Lace
Boxers & Briefs
Secrets & Silk
Show & Sell
Alexis Angel
Red & Blue
Wicked Lil Brat
Men of the House
12 inches
Woman of the House
The Virgin Market
Dirty Daddy
Gambling For The Virgin
Mr. President
Profit & Lace
Stories From The 6 Train
24 Inches
100 Days
The Biggest Licker
Lust Muscle
Princely Passions
Offense & Defense
Head Hunter
Single TV Dad
Brittney vs. Banker
Cunning Linguist
36 Inches
Dirty Darcy
Kim vs. Stepbrother
Protein Shake
Executive Engagement
Dark Angel
The Virgin Market
Gambling For The Virgin
Buyer’s Market
Hostile Work Environment
Three Beasts
Seven Deadly Sinners
12 Days
10 Commandments
Captive Bride
To Leonard
Author’s note
Sometimes I can't believe the shit that big corporations end up getting away with.
I left Wall Street behind years ago. Best decision of my life. I left for a lot of reasons-one of them being so I could write saucy romance novels for readers just like you, actually.
But it wasn't just a matter of following my passion. I worked through some of the shadiest years of big business history, and some of the things that went down around me…no one comes out of that with a good opinion of humanity, babes. Corporate greed is real, and when you look its hungry green eyes for too long, you start learning a lot about the people around you-and about yourself, too.
When I left, I wanted to make sure that kind of person wasn't someone that I could ever become.
In the darkest places, we'll always find little pockets of light. I saw people in positions of power-some of whom were working for the very same liars and cheats who made me lose faith in the human race-use their power for good. I saw justice served-albiet not nearly as much as I liked.
Maybe that's why I liked romance so much. After seeing both sides of that coin, I wanted to believe in something-and there's nothing more powerful in this world than love.
This book might be about big business, but the characters inside it are all about that love. They're smart. They're savvy. They know exactly what they're doing in the boardroom and the bedroom…and when they come together, there's nothing that they can't accomplish.
The best kind of love, in my humble opinion, is a love so strong that it can take down anything that tries to get in its way. When you're on Wall Street, there's no denying that money talks-but the heart wants what the heart wants, and when two people want each other the way that Elsa and Tanner do…
Nothing can stop that kind of love. Not even every dollar and dime in the world.
I hope you like this love story, Angels! Stick around-things are about to get executive-level steamy in all the right ways.
Table of Contents Instructions
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Alexis Angel
Press Release
Pretty Little Vixen Misunderstands Market Demands
Tanner Sharpe, CEO of Pretty Little Vixen Lingerie, wouldn’t know how to spot what a woman wants if she smacked his perfect rich boy ass and called him daddy.
At Dirty Little Angels, simplicity is a must. It allows for the divine feminine to shine, and the powerful sexual being within us to emerge. Elegant lace and delicate silk refrains from covering up our innate beauty and sensuality.
As a woman, I understand what a woman wants and how she needs to feel; especially with putting on lingerie, it needs to strengthen and ignite our inner goddess, not smother it.
It’s a shame other lingerie lines haven’t been able to capture that or understand the needs of a woman. Pretty Little Vixen is an exemplar of such absurd and blatant disregard of women’s sexuality.
Tanner Sharpe’s pathetic attempts to understand women is evident, not just in his past and current collection as rumors have alluded to, but also in his incompetence in pleasing a woman himself.
Experience proves how much he lacks in that department.
And given some of his designs like the gaudy red and black corsets and ruffled panties—in addition to the latex body suits, it is clear he is oblivious to women’s most basic erogenous zones.
How does he expect a woman, or a man, to maneuver in and around those quasi-chastity belts? Or is that truly what he thinks will please us?
How sad.
Obviously, Pretty Little Vixen doesn’t know how to please women, just like the man who designs it.
We know what we want, and Pretty Little Vixen—and Tanner Sharpe—are not it.
Press Release
Pretty Little Vixen Trounces Competitor Again
CEO Tanner Sharpe is pleased to announce that lingerie conglomerate Pretty Little Vixen posted $1.8 million in sales for the last quarter.
Judging by these figures—which handily outpaced our competitor Dirty Little Angels by a 28 percent margin—Pretty Little Vixen does know what women want.
And we will continue to deliver to their every desire.
Unlike our competition, PLV understands that women are multifaceted. While there is apparently a small market for the been-there-and-done-that white lace teddy look, women desire more than just the virginal schoolmarm type of lingerie.
Instead of putting women in a narrow box, PLV has set itself apart from Dirty Little Angels by focusing on the desires that their headmistress, Elsa Blakely, has yet to recognize in women and ultimately, in herself.
Pretty Little Vixen represents women who unleash their repressed and hidden desires—living out the fantasies they have been wishing and wanting to explore.
Our bestselling line of latex playwear and breathable bodysuits are made to accentuate the female form and mold to their arousal. How does the negligee of Dirty Little Angels compare? Or are they to afraid to expose what is behind that white fabric?
There is no “simple” about white or delicate lace—Pretty Little Vixen illustrates how empowerment is innately feminine without any assumptions.
But we must ask our competitor: What, and why, are you hiding behind that lace?
Press Release
Dirty Little Angel Denounces Pretty Little Vixen
On a professional level, let us be clear: Dirty Little Angel is not hiding, nor has it ever. Frankly, it is hard to cover anything behind lace and silk. Pretty Little Vixen is apparently clearly unaware of that fact.
For future reference, it would be in the best interest of PLV to never assume numbers and data are indicative of the satisfaction of a woman.
To judge by figures means nothing. Though the market is currently in PLV’s favor, DLA understands that there are various factors motivating and manipulating these sales. The cause of these numbers is as complex as the women we are selling our lingerie to.
How can we determine why someone would purchase a PLV body suit? Perhaps, for a costume party or a cruel prank? Who knows what sinister motivations might drive these sales?
Formally, DLA suggests that Sharpe refrains from letting his Harvard ego get the best of him. Before he claims any authority over a woman’s body, he must be confident in knowing exactly what he is doing, and how he is doing it. As such, there needs to be more than numbers to support his claims.
Lastly, my dear Sharpe, money is not the only way you can attract women, even if that is what you have been relying on personally.
Unlike your previous transactions, business or otherwise, we will not be bought nor intimidated by your wealth.
We, Angels, have much higher standards than Vixens—we require more substance in who we associate with.
Taking into consideration his lackluster performance in both the boardroom and the bedroom, Tanner Sharpe should feel lucky to have warranted our attention at all.
The Capitalist Chronicle
Lingerie Lovers Brawl on National Television
by Lis Langley
New York—The stage has been dismantled, the cameras turned off, and the lacy lingerie has been safely packed away, but the ramifications from the epic battle between Dirty Little Angel CEO Elsa Blakely and Pretty Little Vixen CEO Tanner Sharpe are already being felt throughout the business world.
The on-stage fight witnessed yesterday by New York’s fashionable set was certainly reminiscent of the fiery battles these two ex-lovers (Are they lovers? Well, that’s according to the rumor being batted around.) would routinely engage in when together in public a decade ago.
As readers will recall, the Lingerie Lovers were hot and steamy for a time, mixing business with pleasure until everything—their joint business and their relationship—came crashing down.
However, the dynamic duo can’t be blamed for the fall of Crooked Halo—disgraced founder Jackson Halo did that all himself by “dabbling” in tax evasion and insider trading.
Fun fact: Halo’s whereabouts are still unknown. Where in the world could Jackson Halo be?
But after Crooked Halo dissolved—the FBI raiding the corporate offices will do that—Blakely and Sharpe attempted to build their own lingerie company and run it together. This brief corporate endeavor ended with each executive going their own way and becoming rivals in the lingerie world.
And rivals they remain, as everyone under the tent watching during the live televised special last night had attested.
Apparently, there is no love lost between the two executives these days.
While Blakely and Sharpe are more than likely mortified by their behavior, the TV audience couldn’t get enough. The special was the most watched show of the night, and clips of the fight have already been viewed an astounding 2.4 million times on YouTube.
Unfortunately for our ex-Lingerie Lovers, Wall Street is not amused. The word rippling through the business world is that the board of directors for both Dirty Little Angel and Pretty Little Vixen are steaming mad at the young executives. The stocks for both companies opened at an all-time low this morning, while industry analysts are predicting sales to plummet as more and more companies pull out.
This reporter wonders, could we have predicted such a fall out?
Even though I find it refreshing to have young, vibrant professionals at the helm of the industry, some more experienced professionals in the cut-throat lingerie business question the wisdom of having not one but two seemingly unqualified—or at least underqualified— executives running clothing conglomerates.
Blakely, an ex-runway model who knows what shows off the female form, and Sharpe, a Harvard grad, had seemed equipped for spearheading successful lingerie brands.
And the quick success of Pretty Little Vixen supported that theory, although the stunt Sharpe pulled during the finale of competitor Dirty Little Angel’s fashion show looked more petty than professional. As did Blakely’s reaction.
So, is this a case of inexperience?
What will the boards suggest to right each company’s respective ships?
Could we be looking at two unemployed lingerie CEOs left out in the cold with nothing but their skivvies—and possibly each other—to keep them warm at night?
Don’t worry, dear readers; Lis Langley is on the case, and I intend to keep track of this ongoing drama between the Lingerie Lovers. Keep checking back for the latest details.
Chapter 1
I consider myself a zen, understanding person.
But Tanner Sharpe?
He can go eat shit and die.
“Oh, fuck you, Elsa,” Tanner sneers at me. “I don’t know why you’re being such a bitch. I mean, I come here offering peace—”
“At least you know what it feels like to come in my presence,” I counter. “Such a shame that the feeling can’t be mutual.”
A flash goes off inches from me, blinding me with its brightness. And, just like that, I'm snapped back to reality.
My ex and business rival, Tanner Sharpe, and I aren't hurling insults at each other in private this time. No, we're on the biggest stage of the last night of the New York Fucking Fashion Week.
Surrounded by TV cameras, the press, and everyone included in the list of Who’s Who in the world of fashion.
Not only are these people witnesses to my most humiliating moment, but so is the rest of the world—and it’s all being broadcast LIVE.
I notice in the corner of my eye, my board of directors are staring at us.
No, make that angrily staring at us. Like, furiously angry. Angrier than I've ever seen them.
Shit. This is not good.
Okay. So shit looks bad, right? But let's back up a little, if only for posterity’s sake. Because this show—my show—started off as the greatest moment of my life.
Except that Tanner was sitting in the audience, which is where every single problem began.
* * *
“I can't believe that jackass had the nerve to show up today,” I seethe. “He's trying to knock me off my game, Monique.”
“That’s his game, babe,” Monique agrees.
“Exactly. And I’m not let him rattle me. Not today, of all days.”
Honestly, Monique is right—and I can believe it. It's typical of Tanner to crash my fashion show, and make it all about him.
He’s God's gift to women, after all. At least, according to him.
But I, and many other strong, confident women who’ve had the misfortune of dating the pig, know the truth.
“You have to admit…you do think he’s sexy though.” Monique does her signature hair flip and I roll my eyes.
Maybe I've been working her too much with all these long nights leading up to tonight's fashion show…because she’s obviously hallucinating. Tanner Sharpe is the opposite of sexy. Tanner Sharpe is like the inside of a college dorm room Hot Pocket—hot on the outside, dead cold within. I make a mental note to book her a day spa package as soon as this is over, because she’s obviously too exhausted to function.