Shave and shimmer, p.1
Shave & Shimmer, page 1

Table of Contents
The Sangre Brotherhood – Book Two
Tory Whitmore was tired of dating the wrong vampires, so he agreed to allow his friend Asher Riots to play cupid.
After a great first date with hot and hunky barber, Ray Williams, the two head back to Ray’s for some much-needed adult pursuits. But when the chips are down, and pants are too, Ray chills as Tory heats up. Rejected and discouraged, Tory wants to forget the date ever happened, but things change when he learns the reason behind Ray’s cooling jets.
Tory gives Ray a second chance and falls deep under the spell of the heartbroken vampire.
But when Tory sees how bloodthirsty Ray gets when fists fly and fangs get bared, will it destroy any chance they have of a future together?
PUBLISHER NOTE: A M/M Vampire Romance
The Sangre Brotherhood – Book Two
The Sangre Brotherhood – Book Two
Copyright © January 2018 ALEX CARRERAS
ISBN: 978-1-370840-95-3
Cover Art by Poppy Designs
No part of this literary work may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without the written permission of the publisher.
This is a work of fiction. All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is purely coincidental.
The author acknowledges the trademark status and the following trademark owners mentioned in this work of fiction:
To a healthy imagination.
As Tory Whitmore walked up the street toward Everlasting salon, he watched as his friend and coworker kissed his new boyfriend, Niko Torres. The couple were locked in a heated embrace, their entangled bodies leaning against a street lamp post.
Envy, if not a little jealousy, tugged at Tory’s emotions as he continued to watch as Asher Riots received yet another lingering kiss.
Although Tory had been dating wealthier and well-connected vampires in Sangre, none were “The One” he dreamed of finding. He longed for the intimacies that couples in love shared, the promised whispers in the dark, the delicate strokes and embraces that are only shared by two beings deeply in love.
Tory sighed audibly as he noticed the salon lights spill out onto the street from the large storefront window, illuminating the sidewalk of the sleepy city street.
From down the block and behind him, Tory heard “Get a room” echo off the surrounding buildings in a deep baritone voice. He turned and recognized the sexy barber who had disappeared before all hell broke loose, his self-assured strut seared into Tory’s brain. Now that business was over, Councilman Alderman gone but not forgotten, and the murders at Siesta Beach no longer occurring, everything in the city was back to normal, or as normal as a city that housed roughly fifty percent human population and fifty percent vampire, give or take a percent for the ones who were going through the change. It was a unique and delightful place to call home, and Tory had for just over a year.
Niko and Asher stopped kissing, and Niko shouted back, “I heard you were back.” Niko’s broad smile told Tory that the man giving Niko a hard time was well-liked. On spotting Tory, Asher waved and said his goodbyes before delivering a fast peck on his boyfriend’s cheek, and jogging toward Everlasting and Tory.
“Get a room is right,” Tory teased a blushing Asher, which was not an easy task for a cool-blooded creature of the night.
“I just can’t help myself,” Asher returned. “That man is a tasty morsel of male goodness. He’s so mocha latte with whip cream on top.”
Tory chuckled as he pictured himself licking whip cream off the chest of a lover worthy of the calories. “Speaking of male goodness, when did that other guy resurface? What’s his name?”
Asher lifted a well-manicured brow. “Baby, I can see that you’re interested in Ray. I would be too if I wasn’t so in love with Niko.” Asher went glassy-eyed. “Did I mention that I was in love with Niko?”
Tory grunted and shoved his friend playfully. “Yes, and you’d better move, or we’re going to be late. Jerrod’s in there, and I’m sure he’s watching the clock. You know how he can be.”
“Don’t worry about Jerrod,” Asher returned. “I can handle him.”
They went up the short flight of concrete steps and pushed through the door of the salon, the chime on the door announcing their arrival.
The scent of hair products hung heavy in the air, the sweet smell masking the chemicals necessary to achieve the modern hairstyles of the moment. Tory patted at his blond-tipped spikey style. “I need more spray. This humidity is wreaking havoc with my do.”
“This is Florida. It’s always humid.” Asher gazed at Tory’s hair. “And if you put any more gunk in that nest, it’s going to fall out.”
Tory scoffed. “Nest? I take great offense at that disparaging comment. I got up an hour early, so I could do it properly.”
Jerrod Zaman strode from the color dispensary, a clipboard cradled in his muscular arm, and a pencil flitting between the thumb and forefinger of his right hand. “Hello, ladies,” the ancient vampire and owner of Everlasting teased. “Do you have a hot date, Tory?”
“Yes,” Tory shared. “I met him on Gaypirehunt. I’m so excited.”
Jerrod stopped dead in his tracks, the pencil stilled. “Isn’t that a gay vampire hookup site?” He looked at Tory, his dark-eyed gaze a little unnerving.
“Dating site,” Tory corrected. “Not hookup site.”
Jerrod went back to what he was doing. “I don’t think I want to know.”
Asher removed his dark denim jacket. “I do,” he exclaimed. “When did you start going on . . . um . . . dating sites?”
“This is my first site, and my first date.”
Tory heard two disapproving sighs.
“What?” he asked, feeling offended.
“Honey,” Asher began in his best soothing voice that secretly irritated Tory. “Guys on that site are total perverts. Everyone knows that.”
Jerrod piped up. “We love you for your romantic notions, but Asher’s right. You’ll never meet a man of quality that way. Like I said before, Gaypirehunt is a hookup site with a glossy and expensive website masking what it really is.”
“How do you know?” Tory questioned.
“Because I do,” Jerrod answered. “Let me ask you this. Does this site have private photos available if a potential date requests them?”
“Did you upload private pictures?”
“Maybe a few.”
Asher choked. “You what? You took cock shots and put them on the World Wide Web for all and sundry?”
“No!” Tory was on the brink of losing his temper. “What kind of person do you think I am? I’d never do that.”
“So, what did you think I meant when I said private?”
“I–I–I don’t know?” Tory stuttered. “My private pictures are of me with no hair gel and no face-shimmer strobe blush. I wanted to put it all out there for the world to see. That’s my version of naked.”
Jerrod chuckled. “Well it’s not to the other members of Gaypirehunt,” he said under his breath.
Deflated, Tory sat in his stylist chair. “How could I be so naïve?”
“That’s why we love you.” Asher walked up and gave Tory a quick hug. “Oh, sweetie, maybe we could help you find the man of your dreams?”
“We?” Jerrod questioned. “I will have no part in this. None whatsoever. Do I make myself clear?”
“Don’t listen to him,” Asher said, lowering his voice. “He’ll come around eventually. Until then, let’s start making a list of likes and dislikes.”
“Why don’t we save some time.” Tory removed his smartphone from his back jeans pocket. He struggled a bit since his pants were tight and clung to his butt cheeks. Tapping the screen, he found what he was searching for. “Here.” He passed the phone to Asher. “This is my profile. All my stats are right there. Read them, remember them, and go forth, my dear friend. Have at it because Lord knows I haven’t found my soul mate yet, and I’ve been searching for several hundred years.”
Jerrod placed the clipboard down on the reception desk. “Firstly, there is no such thing as a soul mate.” Jerrod pulled a face, his masculine features appearing boyish as he stuck out his tongue. “Secondly, we should be placing a hair color order instead of playing cupid. If you haven’t noticed, we’re hairdressers, not matchmakers.”
“Ignore the old curmudgeon,” Asher said, scrutinizing Tory’s profile. After a brief moment, he made a funny noise. “I didn’t know you were into men of color?”
“Niko isn’t exactly snow white.”
“I’m not passi
“I like Aretha Franklin,” Tory shot back. “And Ray Charles. I’m cool. I’m very cool.”
“You’re showing your age,” Asher said. “Guys today are into Drake, Jay-Z, and Pitbull, although I also love Ray and Aretha . . . but I’d keep that to yourself until you get to know your lover a little better.”
Jerrod tapped the pencil on the desk, getting their attention. “I hate to rain on your parade and be the negative voice—”
“Then don’t be,” Asher said.
“—But something tells me that this is not going to end well.”
“End?” Tory said. “It hasn’t even begun.”
* * * *
Ray Williams watched the slim-hipped twink he’d been enjoying for a few blocks disappear into the salon across the street from Killer Kuts. Ray could’ve walked the entire city all night if the twink twitched along in front of him. He was perfect in every way: Fashionable, sweet smelling, youthful, and just the right size. Being a naturally muscular and tall man, Ray had always preferred the opposite of his stature. He preferred someone he could curl tightly into his chest and kiss the top of his head, a pint-sized hunk.
Brushing the thought away, for now, Ray walked up to Niko and bumped fists.
“You’re looking good, brother,” Niko said, making contact and pulling the man two inches taller into a hug before letting go. “Where’ve you been? You missed all the action.”
Ray looked into his friend’s eyes. They were warm and welcoming. “I heard that scary fucker just disappeared,” he said referring to Alderman.
“He did. I was fighting him at the time . . . Asher too. I was swinging, giving it my all and then bam, asshole is gone without a trace.”
Niko hooked a thumb toward Everlasting. “My boy.”
“Saw you going at it. Makes a man jealous.”
“You’ll get yours one day, that is if you’re looking.”
Ray nodded and smiled. “I’m always looking.”
Niko chuckled. “You sound like I used to. Asher’s the one. No more looking ’cause I’ve found him.”
“I’m happy for you, really,” Ray stated. “And I’m happy that you didn’t get too messed up by Alderman. He’s bad news, and I’m glad he’s gone . . . at least for now.”
“Me too, but I’m sure his ugly mug will resurface one day, unfortunately.”
“If he does,” Ray began, “I’ll join in on that fight and get rid of him once and for all.”
“Glad to hear it.” Niko paused looking uncertain. “I hope you don’t think I’m overstepping, but where did you take off to? One day you were here cutting hair, and then you weren’t.”
For a second, Ray considered telling Niko why he had disappeared without an explanation, but he decided to keep the conversation light instead. No one wanted to hear sad stories, and the death of his one true love was exactly that. “Went to D.C.,” Ray admitted, not exactly telling a lie. “That’s where I turned into this kick-ass creature standing in front of you. Felt the need to visit some of my old haunts and catch up with my people.”
“Nothing wrong with that.” Something in Niko’s eyes suggested he was aware that his recent visit to Washington, D.C. wasn’t all fun and games. Niko cocked his head toward Killer Kuts. “I’m going in. Have a client in a few and need to get set up. Kairon know your back?” he asked, referring to the owner of the nocturnal barbershop frequented by humans and vampires alike.
“Yeah, man. Caught up with him last night. He’s good people.”
“Amen,” Niko returned before entering through the imposing door painted flame red, a long brass handle shining against the glow of the moon.
The flurry across the street at Everlasting drew his attention. Ray watched through the window, staring directly into the salon. Clients buzzed around, chatting amicably and laughing as the stylists practiced their trade.
He gazed at Asher, tall and handsome, brushing the lustrous, black locks that belonged to a society maven who rallied for every good deed in Sangre. She was known for her warm heart although she was cold-blooded.
The sexy twink he’d had the pleasure of following to work swished by, his gold-colored comb in his right hand catching the light. In record time Tory cut and finished a client who was smiling from ear to ear, obviously delighted with her new look. Ray almost shared in her exuberance as she sprung from the stylist’s chair to hug Tory. Feeling slightly envious of the client, Ray imagined himself enveloping the small frame of the attractive man-child into his arms. Sadness filled his heart and loneliness crawled over him, remembering his recent visit home. Every year, Ray made the trip to stand at his long-dead lover’s grave. No matter where he happened to be in the world, on October 1, without fail, Ray made the trek to pay his respects. Ray knew that he was living in the past, but he didn’t know how to move forward. How do you after witnessing your lover’s heart being ripped through his chest and devoured by someone you believed was your friend? For Ray, it proved to be impossible because it had been roughly a century and a half, and the memory still played in his head, over and over, reliving every horrifying second as if it was yesterday.
“Ray?” Tory asked. “Really?”
“Really,” Asher answered. “Niko said he’s a quality guy. A real prince.”
“He doesn’t look like a prince, more like a rap star.”
“Is that a bad thing?”
“No,” Tory admitted. “But I would like to know what’s under those baggy pants.”
“Just ask him. He might be willing to show you.”
Tory entertained the thought. Ray was attractive in a thug-about-town kind of way. He was muscular, had one hell of a swagger, and his smile was big and broad, a gold canine tooth, a majestic crown in a perfect set of gleaming teeth. “Okay.” Tory tapped the side of his mouth with his index finger. “When?”
No time like the present.
“So, can I take your enthusiasm to mean that your date last night didn’t go as well as you thought it would?” Asher haphazardly rearranged a few bottles of shampoo on the retail shelf, then pushed them back again, distracted by Tory’s answer.
“Something like that,” Tory admitted.
“He’s an ancient, ancient. This vampire was turned when he was already a geriatric. Poor old fellow.” Tory tsked. “Apparently he knew Moses. You know, the dude who parted the Red Sea.”
“You’re lying.” Asher’s mouth hung open in disbelief.
“I wish I was.”
“But his picture on the dating website looked okay.” Asher shrugged. “Not an ogre or anything awful. And his profile painted a very nice picture.”
“Oh, he was nice, but I couldn’t kiss those wrinkly lips at the end of the night.” A shudder ran over Tory. “Grandpa puckered up those bad boys and came at me like a heat-seeking missile. I almost hurled.”
Asher’s chuckle turned into a deep, belly laugh. Tory watched and waited as tears ran down his friend’s cheeks.
“I’m so glad that you’re finding my failed attempt at a love life so amusing.”
Wiping away a tear and catching his breath, Asher said, “I’m not laughing with you, I’m laughing at you.”
“Isn’t that the wrong way ’round?”
“Nope, I said it correctly. You’re pathetic. Hilarious but still pathetic.”
“One thing I can guarantee is that Ray’s lips are anything but wrinkly. They’re full—”
“—and luscious,” Tory finished, the previous shudder turning into a jolt of passion, the thought of kissing those dark, cherry lips infiltrating his every thought.
“This is going to be great. Would you like your first date to be one-on-one or a double date? It might be fun if Niko and I come along,” Asher suggested. “Maybe cocktails at Duets for starters?”
“Ohh, that sounds intimate,” Tory said.