Love at first down a spo.., p.1

Love At First Down: A Sports Romance, page 1


Love At First Down: A Sports Romance
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Love At First Down: A Sports Romance

  Table of Contents



  Thank You!



  Also by Aja Cole

  Stay Connected!

  About the Author


  Thank You!

  1. Jaxon

  2. Sienna

  3. Jaxon

  4. Sienna

  5. Jaxon

  6. Sienna

  7. Sienna

  8. Jaxon

  9. Sienna

  10. Jaxon

  11. Sienna

  12. Jaxon

  13. Sienna

  14. Jaxon

  15. Sienna

  16. Jaxon

  17. Sienna

  18. Jaxon

  19. Sienna

  20. Sienna

  21. Sienna

  22. Jaxon

  23. Sienna

  24. Jaxon

  25. Sienna

  26. Sienna

  27. Jaxon

  28. Sienna

  29. Sienna

  30. Sienna

  31. Epilogue

  32. Epilogue

  Also by Aja Cole

  Stay Connected!

  About the Author

  Love At First Down

  A Sports Romance Novel

  Aja Cole

  Love At First Down

  Aja Cole

  Copyright © 2018 by Aja Cole.

  All Rights Reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  First Edition February 2018

  To all of my family and friends that have supported me every time I’ve said, “I’m writing a book.”

  I couldn’t have done it without your love and constant encouragement.

  To everyone who reads my books and comes back for more…you fucking rock.

  To my author friends and the people who let me vent and freak out and constantly inspire me to keep going…

  Thank you. I love you all.

  Thank You!

  I just wanted to say a quick thank you for giving my writing a chance, and I hope it gives you everything you’re looking for!

  I like my love scenes steamy and my sweet scenes sappy.

  Now, please enjoy and I hope you love my characters as much as I do!

  ~ Aja Cole


  “You ready?”

  “I’m always ready.”

  “You weren’t ready when I threw that pass this morning.” Chris counters and I narrow my eyes, stepping up next to Devon Simon, one of the RBs.

  “Always bringing up shit.” We take hands and shoulders, whatever connection is comfortable.

  Everyone bows their heads and closes their eyes, listening to Kaden lead the team in a short prayer to watch over our health, safety and allow us to play to the best of our abilities.

  Even for the players who aren’t religious, it’s a bonding ritual that solidifies us as a unit - ready to take the field together.

  This brotherhood is important to me.

  This game is important to me, and short of losing my life - there’s nothing that could make me walk away from the field.

  Football runs in my veins like nothing else. It’s the one thing I can count on, the one skill I never have to worry about.

  Every day, someone’s talking shit about my personal life or my choices - but my game is as damned close to perfect as it can be.

  When I take the field and hear the roaring of the crowd, people’s opinions matter even less.

  This is what I live for. This is what I wake up for every day.

  My dad always told me, “Care about people’s approval and you will always be their prisoner.”

  I’m sure it was said by someone wise and isn’t just some dad proverb, but it’s never left me.

  The one thing I can always say is that I’m myself, and that shit?

  That’s way more valuable than being liked by everyone.

  “You gotta tell me who you pick, man. Is it that fine girl from Cuba?” The man, whose name I’ve already forgotten, lowers his voice. “She seemed a little crazy, but those are the fun ones.”

  I shake my head politely, fighting the urge to drop the bullshit smile from my face.

  90% of the time, I don’t have many fucks to give.

  The other 10% of the time is playing nice with team sponsors and big time donors, and it’s only because coach threatened to bench me if I ignored one more suit.

  I didn’t have the heart to tell him that he’s not that much of an idiot. I like to pick my battles.

  “You know I can’t tell you that.” I see my agent waving me over from across the room, and I clap old buddy on the shoulder like we’re old friends. “Gotta handle something, but make sure you watch next week.”

  I leave before he can reply and hightail it to Thomas.

  “Tommy boy, what’s up.” We bump fists and he pops a shrimp into his mouth, nodding as Simms walks by.

  “You were flying out there, kid. Untouchable. Congratulations on the win.” A wide smile creases his face. The man’s teeth are a poster ad for Colgate. His wife Dionne always jokes that he’s her Denzel consolation prize.

  “Thanks my man. That’s what they pay me for.”

  “And I’m so glad you’re the one paying me.” We high five and laugh, then he crosses his arms and sobers up a little.

  Shit, it’s his “I’m about to lecture you” stance. I flip through my head files and try to remember if I’ve done anything particularly reprehensible lately.

  Have I retweeted anything suspect? Replied to the wrong thing?

  “We need to talk about your H&S contract.”

  “Oh, great. You got that look on your face and I thought it was something important.” My eyes skip around the room, but snag on a dark haired woman talking to a man near the corner.

  I can’t hear what they’re saying, but her body language isn’t casual. Arms crossed defensively, face trying to be neutral, jaw tight. She looks like she might be a bit uptight naturally, since she’s wearing a pants-suit to a football game…but she’s a looker anyway.

  Warm brown skin, a heart shaped face with what looks like soft lips and I can’t tell what color her eyes are. They’re covered by long hair when she turns her face away.

  “Who’s that?” I murmur, finally meeting Tommy’s annoyed gaze.


  “Exec type. Long hair.” I dip my head in her direction. “You know her?”

  “If you paid me any type of attention, you’d know her too. And aren’t you with,” He looks around and lowers his voice. “Mayra?” I raise an eyebrow and he huffs. “There should be some rule against your agent not even knowing who the hell you picked from this damned debacle.”

  “If I remember correctly, you thought the show was a fantastic opportunity. So nope, you have to watch it and find out with everyone else.”

  “Yeah well, don’t ever say I can’t admit when I’m wrong.” He grumbles. “Now, you ready to listen to me about that exec type?”

  “What’s she have to do with anything?”

  “I should charge you more for making me repeat things.”

  I shrug, picking up a chicken nugget from the table. “Do what you have to do. Now, who is she?”

  “Sienna Davis, woman who holds the fate of your contract in her red tipped hands. That important enough for you?”

  I pause with another chicken nugget halfway to my mouth. “My contract is already set.”

  “You amaze me sometimes.” He plucks the nugget from my fingers. “That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you. They’re not sure you’re the right person to represent the brand, not the right player.”

  Now that’s news to me.

  “I’m the player.” I scoff. “Who the hell else would they pick? They’re an official sponsor of the league and my brand itself is an asset.”

  “Yeah, well you know I respect the way you don’t pander for people to like you. Unfortunately, that woman over there, has to or else this endorsement deal is going down the drain. She’s young but she’s one of the big dogs, and from everything I’ve heard about her - her bite and her bark are something serious.”

  I slide my eyes over to her again, and watch her subtly move away when the man she’s talking to reaches out to touch her. Damn, I wouldn’t want to be him.

  This little slip of a woman is the one who’s going to decide if I get another one of the biggest endorsement deals there is. I’ve been with Adidas for years, and have a few others under my belt. Duracell, State Farm, and Mercedes-Benz to name a few.

  Hell, I’ve turned down brands because of their time commitments. People want me.

  The woman is obviously delusional.

  “I’m going to have a little chat with her, some one-on-one time so she knows what she’d be missing.”

  “You mean what the brand would be missing?” Tommy groans. “And no,
I forbid it. As your agent, I’m putting my foot down. Nothing good can come from this. You just focus on not getting into any shit, being extra good for the next few weeks and let us handle it.”

  “What do you mean nothing good can come from this? I’m persuasive.”

  “I don’t think you can win this one with charm.”

  “Why not?” She sweeps her hair behind her ear and I see those red nails Tommy mentioned and the glint of a few piercings in her ear. Surprising.

  “Because she…I don’t think she likes you.” He shakes his head, running a hand over his close cut fade.

  “She does. She just doesn’t know it yet.” Before I hear his reply, I head her way. I hear his cuss under his breath behind me, but I’ve already got my eye on my prey.

  It’s time Miss Davis and I got to know each other better.

  I might not care much about most peoples opinions of me, but I damned sure won’t be letting anything come between me and this deal. It’s a big honor and a long-standing endorsement. A sign that your brand is tight, your game is tight, and you’re running in front of the pack.

  Lawson, the last ambassador, retired from the league - or else it’d still be in his hands. But now, it’s mine. It can be mine.

  If there’s only one woman standing in my way, she should know that I’ve never given anything up in my life easily and I’m sure as hell not starting now.


  “That man is something to behold.” The dreamy voice comes from way too close to my personal space, and I automatically move a small step away.

  “I’m sorry?” I look away from the glass panel of the suite and drink from my water bottle.

  “Jaxon Blake. Number 74 on the field, and number one in every red-blooded woman’s fantasy.” She laughs lightly, and I roll my eyes since her eyes are still glued to the field and not to me.

  “You can remove me from that count.” I mutter.

  “Oh honey, please. You can’t honestly tell me that if that man showed up at your doorstep with nothing but a smile and a promise, you wouldn’t let him in?” She turns to me with a skeptical look in her moss green eyes.

  “I’m not really into men that are for everyone.” I turn back to the field, where he’s just intercepted a pass from Philly’s quarterback. “A man wanted by so many people for so many things could never be just one woman’s. It would always be something, and there would always be scrutiny. I personally don’t want my byline to be diminished to that of a Real Housewife.”

  “Who said anything about keeping him? No, sugar, I’m fine leasing him for a little bit and then going back to my husband.” She winks, and I can’t exactly tell if she’s serious or not.

  “What does your husband think about that?”

  “You don’t have an emergency hall-pass in your relationship? That one opportunity that if it came up, all bets would be off?”

  “I’m not seeing anyone at this time.” I turn back to the glass. “And if I was, that’s not something I think we’d discuss.”

  “Never say never.” She raises a glass of champagne to her lips and meanders away just as Winston comes up beside me. For awhile, he stands there without speaking and cheers with the rest of the suite when the game ends with Atlanta making it to the championship. Bottles pop open and spirits are high. Eventually, some of the players make it up to the suite after the field celebration and press conference and people are milling around.

  I guess he decides that it’s the best time to shoot his shot.

  “I’m glad you invited me today, Sienna. I was starting to think I wasn’t going to get to see you outside of work anytime soon.” He nudges my shoulder playfully and I give him a small smile, taking in his smooth skin and short goatee.

  I didn’t really invite him. We were talking and I mentioned I was going to the game, and he said that he was too. I told him I’d see him here…and here we are.

  “Things get busy, I’m sorry. I don’t get to hang out with friends often.”

  “Yeah, but I’m not just a friend. You’d think you’d want to make more time for someone you’re dating.”

  Record scratch.

  Dating? No, sirree. I barely have time to fit in everything I need to do into 24 hours, dating isn’t on the agenda. Not right now.

  And I’m not one to mince words.

  “We’re not dating, Winston. We’re friends. Colleagues.” I meet his gaze head on so he can see how serious I am. I don’t have time for this. His back snaps straight and I cross my arms automatically, feeling defensive.

  “What do you mean? What do you call the late work dinners and the lunch dates and the flowers?”

  “I never asked you to send flowers on my birthday, and I’ve been very clear that I’m not looking to be bogged down with a relationship right now. I’m sorry if you chose to ignore that, but I’ve intentionally been very careful to not lead you on.”

  “Come on, you’re going to tell me you’re not attracted to me? We’re going to play this game?”

  “You’re an attractive man, Winston. Luckily for me, I’m not ruled solely by lust and I can say without a doubt that I am not interested in taking our acquaintance any further.”

  He reaches out a hand to touch me and I move to the side as he scowls.

  “Please don’t make a scene.”

  “Oh, so this is about what other people think, as always with you.”

  “Pardon me?” I make my voice neutral and uninterested just to annoy him the way he’s beginning to annoy me.

  I try very hard to be precise and clear with my words to avoid confusion or someone saying, “women are so complicated.” The fact that I told him my exact thoughts now and have done so the entire time we’ve been acquainted, and he still isn’t listening - is severely diminishing his status in my book.

  “It’s all image to you. All everyone else’s opinion. Do you ever do anything just for you?”

  “You’re implying that starting a relationship with you would be just for me, and that the only reason I’m not engaging with you has to do with other’s opinions? I never realized you were so presumptuous until just now.” I sweep my hair behind my ear and narrow my eyes, knowing I need to end this now before it goes any further.

  This isn’t how I wanted to celebrate a big win for my team.

  “On second thought, I don’t want to date a cold woman anyway. You have to let loose and stop caring so much one day Sienna, or you’ll end up in your glass tower all alone.” He shakes his head like he pities me. That pisses me off more than anything else in this conversation.

  I’m happy with where I am in my career and where I’m going. Nothing is missing for me. If anything, all he’s doing is underlining the type of stuff I’m glad to not be bothered with right now.

  “I actually prefer stone.” I turn to the large window overlooking the field again, dismissing him. “It was nice to see you Winston. I’m sure we’ll cross paths at work. Have a great night.” Then I proceed to ignore him, turning to speak with someone else and eventually - I feel him move away.

  Why is it that people choose not to believe me when I lay things out as clear as day? Listening is a free skill.

  Yes, I think of opinion and scrutiny.

  I like to stay relatively under the radar for everything except my career accomplishments.

  It’s hard enough to be taken seriously because I’m on the younger end of the spectrum at 25 compared to other executives at our company. Add that to me being relatively attractive and a black woman, and hell yes- I make sure that the only thing people can say about me is that I’m damned good at what I do.

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