Rock hard bad alpha dads, p.1

Rock Hard: BAD Alpha Dads, page 1


Rock Hard: BAD Alpha Dads
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Rock Hard: BAD Alpha Dads

  Rock Hard: BAD Alpha Dads

  Abbie Zanders

  Published by Abbie Zanders, 2018.

  This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


  First edition. May 22, 2018.

  Copyright © 2018 Abbie Zanders.

  Written by Abbie Zanders.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Rock Hard: BAD Alpha Dads


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Epilogue: Alice

  Epilogue: Rex

  About BAD

  Thanks for reading Rex and Alice’s story

  About the Author

  Also by Abbie Zanders

  Rock Hard

  A BAD (Bad Alpha Dad) Romance


  Abbie Zanders


  Cover by Abbie Zanders. (Don’t be too impressed; BAD provided an idiot-proof template).

  Stock photos from DepositPhotos and Pixabay.

  Professional editing by and C&D Editing (

  ... and THANK YOU to all of you for selecting this book. You didn’t have to, but you did.

  Warning: This book contains mature themes and adult language. If these things offend you, then this is not the read for you.

  Chapter One

  Rex took a final bow as the lights in the arena went dark, effectively ending the band’s second encore. The sold-out crowd was on its feet, stomping and screaming and clamoring for more, but Lionheart would not perform a third.

  Always leave them wanting more.

  His father’s words of wisdom drifted through his thoughts as he made his way off stage, a ghostly echo of a time long ago. Rex had been just a kid back then, but he remembered the energy clearly, the incredible high that surrounded a live performance. He used to hide in the shadows, watching his father enthrall the crowd with his deep, powerful voice. Even then, the music had spoken to him. His young heart had beat to the rhythm of the drums; the bass had become the thrumming pulse of blood through his veins. Electric guitars had screamed and sung in perfect harmony, filling his soul. It was the only time he remembered his father being truly happy. The rest of the time, his father had been an asshole.

  Now Rex was the one on stage, making people lose their fucking minds, while he greedily sucked in their adoration. He craved it, needed it as much as he needed air and food.

  One of his bodyguards, Chuck, escorted him backstage where lucky pass-holding fans were waiting to see, touch, and talk to him. He would indulge them by making a brief appearance, but all he really wanted to do was get back to the hotel and crash. Playing three concerts on three consecutive nights in three different cities had him exhausted.

  The VIP crowd was revved up and rowdy, pushing forward the moment he stepped into view. Female screams pierced through the earplugs he wore to protect his sensitive hearing. Hands grabbed at him, skimming his sweat-soaked chest, palming his leather-clad ass, squeezing his junk. He ignored the offers of quickies and blow jobs, using his six-five height to scan over the crowd, searching for one face in particular: Alice.

  Alice was the only thing he really enjoyed about these after-parties. Her eyes would flash with fire when women bared their breasts (or other body parts) for him to sign. Those little displays of jealousy made all the groping worthwhile. For those were the only times his personal assistant appeared to care about him as more than just an employer.

  “We fucking rocked it tonight, dude,” Steve “Styxx” Malone said, appearing beside him. High-set, brownish-red eyes regarded him from beneath a spiky mop of golden hair streaked with haphazard patches of black, a reflection of his cheetah.

  “Yeah, we did. You seen Alice?”

  “Probably back at the room with Carly. Wild group tonight.”

  Rex nodded, disappointment adding to the post-performance letdown as he summoned a smile. Partying was the last thing he felt like doing, but he had an obligation to his fans, a rep to maintain.

  It was easy to understand how his dad had gotten hooked on drugs and booze. A couple of bumps to get through the next couple hours, then a fifth and couple of pills to come back down so he could get some rest. Anything and everything was right there for the taking, readily accessible and freely offered.

  He turned down a couple such offers, too many images of his father in a drug-induced rage burned into his brain. The blow jobs and quick fucks were a little harder to say no to, especially since the only action his cock had seen in fucking forever was a soapy palm, but he passed. The only woman he really wanted was back at the room, playing hard to get.

  Clearly, the woman didn’t understand that she was just making herself irresistible. As a male lion in his prime, the ultimate male predator, nothing was as exciting as a challenge. The final outcome was never in question. He wanted her. Therefore, he would have her. Eventually. In the meantime, he would focus on the thrill of the chase.

  He stayed only long enough to grant a few selfie requests, grab a beer or two, and pretend to listen when fans told him how awesome he was. Bored with the whole after-party scene, Rex signaled Chuck.

  As the huge rhino shifter cleared a path through the crowd, Rex made his exit into a waiting limo. A few minutes later, the car pulled into a secure underground garage. A private elevator then took them right up to the top floor that Alice had reserved for him and his guys.

  He breathed a sigh of relief when he entered his suite. The low-level lighting was welcome after the glare of the stage lights; the soft hum of the white noise machine was soothing as he removed his ear plugs. Across the room, the drapes were open, revealing a stunning view of the vibrant city stretched out below.

  He inhaled deeply, drawing in the scent of Alice’s subtle vanilla fragrance, along with his cub’s slightly spicier scent. A knot loosened in his chest.

  “Need anything else tonight, boss?”

  “No. I’m going to eat and crash.”

  Chuck nodded. “Me, too. I’ll put Frank on guard duty.”

  “Alice! I’m hungry,” Rex called out as he made his way to his bedroom and the private bath, anxious to get out of his sweaty clothes and wash away the stench of cheap perfume and smoke that clung to him.

  He stepped into the shower, relishing the feel of the hot water as it pounded his tired, aching muscles. Performing for three straight hours was physically exhausting, even for a male in his prime.

  He dropped his head and closed his eyes, the familiar fantasy coming almost immediately. Alice, naked and ready, stepping into the shower behind him. Running her small hands over his shoulders, his back, his ass in blatant ownership. Cupping his sac as she worked her way downward and moaning with desire when she discovered how heavy and tight his balls were, wanting what they held released deep inside her.

  The images continued from there. She would stand and move around to the front, giving his chest the same careful, thorough attention. Her eyes would be drawn to his thick, rigid cock, and she would lick her lips in anticipation.

  She would take her time, though, stroking him with her wet, soapy hands until he growled in warning. Then she would go down on her knees and wrap those pretty pink lips around him, sucking him as if her life depended on it.

  He would grasp her head and thrust deeply, relishing the scrape of her teeth as her throat flexed around him. He would fuck her mouth hard until he felt the tingling burn deep in his balls. Then he would lift her up, turn her around, and slam into her tight, wet pussy until she screamed in ecstasy, filling her with his seed, fulfilling both their fantasies.

  Rex grunted, his cock erupting in his own hand as the images began to fade. One of these days, sweet Alice, we are going to make that dream a reality.

  Feeling only marginally better, Rex finished washing and turned off the water.

  He was toweling off when his acute hearing picked up the sound of his bedroom door opening and closing, no doubt Alice delivering his meal. He smiled wickedly and dropped his towel before stepping out. He would let her see what she was missing, maybe give her a case of blue lady balls.

  But it wasn’t Alice’s big, light brown eyes opening wide. Nor was it Alice who suddenly squealed and launched herself across the room. It wasn’t Alice’s silky, roast chestnut colored locks with golden highlights brushing against his groin. And those long, pointed, red talons digging into his hips definitely didn’t belong to Alice.

  Rex stepped back quickly, his large hand coming down on her head to push her away. He tilted his head back, fighting the urge to sneeze, his nose protesting the chick’s nauseating combination of hairspray and cheap perfume.

  She was a determined little thing. She bucked against his hand with unexpected streng
th, leading him to believe she was hyped-up on something.

  “Please,” she begged desperately, as if sucking him off was her goal in life. It probably was. He was Rex Løve, after all. Lead guitarist and vocalist for one of the most famous rock and roll bands of the last two decades. Multi-millionaire. International sex symbol. The one every woman wanted to do, and every guy wanted to be. King of the motherfucking jungle.

  But despite the similarities, he wasn’t his father. And there was only one woman he wanted on her knees before him.

  “I’ll make it so good, I promise,” she pleaded, wagging a unique tongue piercing at him. Intriguing, but he was going to pass. He wondered absently if Alice would consider getting one.

  “I don’t think so.” He cupped her head with both hands, intent on pushing her away without harming her, or his family jewels, in the process.

  In a perfect example of horrible timing, the real Alice opened the door. And Carly was right behind her.

  “Rex, what the ...?”

  Alice’s eyes grew huge as she took in the scene. His fourteen-year-old daughter’s face turned dark with a mixture of embarrassment and disgust.

  Alice stepped in front of her, blocking her view and pushing her back out of the room.

  Well, fuck.

  “Enough.” Rex shoved the girl back, firmly but carefully. “You need to leave. FRANK!”

  The fan looked like she was going to cry. She lifted big blue eyes, outlined in black, her lip trembling. Underneath all that crap on her face, she looked barely older than Carly.

  “How old are you, anyway?”

  Her features twisted into a smirk. “Old enough.”

  “Not for me, you’re not.”

  The door opened, and Frank, the burly bear security guard, stepped in. “Sorry, Mr. Løve. I don’t know how she got past me.”

  Rex grunted. He would deal with him and his piss-poor performance later.

  Frank came over and lifted the girl off her knees, then quickly and efficiently showed her the exit.

  Feeling irritated, Rex jabbed his long legs into a pair of jeans and stalked over to his daughter’s room, growling when he found it locked.

  “Open this door!” he commanded.

  “Go away!” came his daughter’s immediate response.

  Rex lowered his shoulder and gave one powerful shove. The sound of splintering wood was oddly satisfying, but not enough to improve his mood.

  His daughter glared angrily at him from her bed. “I said, go away.”

  “My penthouse suite,” he reminded her.

  Her scowl was fierce, but not as fierce as that of the curvy, chestnut-haired beauty giving him the evil eye. His personal assistant and right-hand woman, Alice Elizabeth Kensington. Quite possibly the only woman strong enough to be in his presence and not succumb to her desires.

  Well, not yet anyway. No woman could resist him forever. They both knew it was only a matter of time.

  “Really?” Alice said, standing protectively between him and his pissed-off cub. “Do you have to bring your bimbos back to the room?” Her arms were crossed over her chest, plumping up those luscious breasts he would love to suck on for a couple hours while he buried himself deep inside her body and let her know exactly what she had been missing.

  Rex grinned, feeling lighter than he had since he’d exited the stage. Alice had totally misread the situation, yet he couldn’t help riling her.

  “Well, it ain’t gonna suck itself. You offering?”

  “Not in this lifetime.” Her eyes flashed, and her cheeks turned this glowing rosy-gold that got him hard again instantly. She was so fucking hot. “At least have the decency to do ... that ... somewhere else.”

  “Jealous, Al?”

  Her lips thinned. She hated when he called her that, which, of course, was exactly why he did it.

  “What was so important you had to come barging into my bedroom, Al? Ready to give in to your desires?”

  “Hardly.” Alice’s scowl intensified, as did Carly’s.

  The two were so alike. His cub made no secret of the fact that she didn’t like the way females went crazy over him, but hey, that was all part of the rock god package. It paid the bills and kept her in the lap of luxury. That was the thing with kids, though. They never appreciated anything.

  At least Alice understood that, even if she didn’t particularly like it.

  “I wanted to tell you that the food was here. And Carly has something she wanted to tell you.”

  Carly shifted, now looking more uncomfortable than pissed off.


  “Go on, Carly,” Alice prompted gently. “Tell him.”

  She looked like she wanted to do anything but. Her eyes went to the bedspread and her voice was quiet when she said, “My essay qualified for the semi-finals.”

  He stared at her blankly. “Your what?”

  “My essay?” she said, lifting her chin slightly. “The one on the potentially devastating effects of chemically altered food additives on the human body?”

  He blinked. “What do you care about that shit? You’re not human.”

  “I’m half-human,” she reminded him.

  As if he needed reminding of what could happen when a female lied about being on birth-control. Deceitful, conniving creatures. Trusting humans was never a good idea. And one of the reasons he would never fuck another groupie bareback, no matter how big her tits were. Although, that hadn’t been an issue. Since Alice had managed to hijack his fantasies, and his libido, he hadn’t fucked anyone.

  “And this is important,” Carly continued. “It could help get me into the bio-med programs at MIT or John Hopkins.”

  He laughed. “College? You don’t need to go to college. It’s a waste of time.”

  His daughter made a sound of feminine disapproval and disappointment before stomping off into her bathroom, slamming the door behind her.

  “What did I say?”

  “You’re an ass,” Alice told him bluntly. “This is important to her. Can’t you see that?”

  “It’s ridiculous and unnecessary. She never has to work a day in her life, and certainly not for sickly humans.” He yawned, already bored with the conversation.

  Humans had their place in the world, of course, but they worked for shifters, not the other way around. Most, in fact, were completely ignorant of the fact that shifters even existed outside of fiction. Only a select few, like Alice, were worthy enough to be gifted with that knowledge.

  “Look,” Alice pleaded, “if you don’t want to go to the semis and support your daughter, let me take her. I’ve already checked. It’s between shows, so it shouldn’t be a problem.”

  A couple days without Alice? Who would order his meals? Who would schedule his appointments? Who would see to his every whim?

  “No. I need you here.”

  “It will only be a couple days. You can manage,” she argued.

  “Yes, but I don’t want to. And since you work for me, I don’t have to.”

  “You’re being completely unreasonable!”

  He was not being unreasonable. He was tired and cranky and sexually frustrated because Alice refused to give in to her desires.

  He was the one in charge, and while she was quite possibly the only woman his daughter tolerated, Alice worked for him. He was her first priority, not Carly. Perhaps it was time to remind her of that.

  “You don’t like it? There’s the door. There are any number of women who would love to have your job, and they’d be glad to suck my dick any time I asked them, too.”

  She went still. Her face went curiously blank. “Seriously? You think you can replace me that easily?”

  A warning niggled at the back of his brain, but he ignored it. Instead, he grinned and walked over to the French doors leading out to the balcony. He opened them up then leaned over the railing to address the crowd of adoring fans below.

  “Hey, any of you interested in being my new personal assistant?”

  A roar of excited screams rose up.

  He closed the doors and turned around, smiling triumphantly. “Yep.”

  Satisfied that he had made his point, he walked over to the door. “My mane is getting a little shaggy. It needs a deep conditioning treatment. Fly Stef out from LA. Oh, and I want good prime rib for breakfast, not that shit they sent up yesterday. Noon will be fine.”

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