Codys second chance bad.., p.1

Cody's Second Chance: Bad Alpha Dads (Silver Streak Pack Book 3), page 1


Cody's Second Chance: Bad Alpha Dads (Silver Streak Pack Book 3)
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Cody's Second Chance: Bad Alpha Dads (Silver Streak Pack Book 3)

  Bad Alpha Dads

  Cody’s Second Chance

  A K Michaels

  New York Times Bestselling Author


  Sassy Lassie’s VIP Clan

  Bad Alpha Dads


  ~ Chapter One ~

  ~ Chapter Two ~

  ~ Chapter Three ~

  ~ Chapter Four ~

  ~ Chapter Five ~

  ~ Chapter Six ~

  ~ Chapter Seven ~

  ~ Chapter Eight ~

  ~ Chapter Nine ~

  ~ Chapter Ten ~

  ~ Chapter Eleven ~

  ~ Chapter Twelve ~

  ~ Chapter Thirteen ~

  ~ Epilogue ~

  Contact Ava

  About the Author

  Also by A K Michaels

  © 2018 by A K Michaels All Rights Reserved

  This book, or any portion thereof, may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission by the author except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Sassy Lassie’s VIP Clan

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  Bad Alpha Dads

  Bestselling and Award Winning Paranormal Romance authors are bringing you the baddest of the bad ALPHA dads. So sexy, you’ll want to teach them to be good. These shifter dads need all the help they can get, and we want to give it to them. Check out our website for the release schedule and more about our fabulous authors.

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  Cody ran his hands down her body, lingering on her breasts that he knew were so sensitive, tweaking one nipple as he cupped the other. Her back arched, a soft moan caught in her throat when he lowered his head to suck one into his mouth, capturing the taut bud between his teeth.

  Her response was to hook her legs around his ass, urging him to move faster inside her, his cock already rock hard but it seemed to grow thicker as she bucked beneath him. He wasn’t sure how much longer he could last, especially when he knew she was so near to her own release . . . her walls clenching around him in tight little spasms, alerting him to her impending fall over into ecstasy. One he reveled in taking her to.

  The look on her face when she came always tore the breath from his body and his heart soared to the heavens. It was what he was placed on this earth to do: give her pleasure and make her happy. It was all he wanted to do, all he dreamed of doing every damn day . . . and today was no different.

  Releasing her breast, Cody placed soft kisses on her skin, moving up to capture her mouth, plundering it with his. Their tongues lashed together, her breaths falling down his throat as she panted . . . and then she was there. Her body convulsing, quivering, and writhing beneath him as her orgasm ran through her entire body, his name falling from her plump lips over and over as her nails raked down his back.

  Cody’s own release stampeded forward, as he watched her perfection . . . her dark hair damp with their exertions, a soft glow on her skin, her sheath clamping his cock tight over and over until his seed burst from him with such force that his heart stopped dead in his chest. His head lifting as he called her name and proclaimed his undying love for her to the moonlit sky above.

  He fell to her side, pulling her tight against his body, “I love you . . . so much. I’ll never leave you . . . not ever.” His eyes drooped closed as she snuggled closer, her legs tangled with his and he knew he was the luckiest young Wolf alive.

  “Cody . . . Cody . . . Cody . . .” She was calling his name. Dang, was she ready to play again? Already? She was eager. A smile tugged his lips up as he reached for her. But she wasn’t there . . .

  His eyes flew open, sunlight just starting to break through the trees and inside his room . . . revealing the empty bed beside him. Cody’s heart ached as he cursed, “Fuck it!”

  Throwing the covers off so violently they landed on the other side of the room, he stomped to the shower. The dream playing over and over inside his head. It had been almost a year since he’d had one. So long that he’d hoped he’d finally seen the last of them . . . hadn’t he suffered long enough? Couldn’t he finally put the past behind him?

  Apparently not.

  ~ Chapter One ~

  Cody leaned on the counter, taking a short breather and sipping on a beer as he surveyed the jam-packed bar. It was full to the brim with people, both Shifters and humans alike, and the noise level was causing a low ache to start behind his eyes.

  “Hey, Cody, you’ve not taken me up on my offer for a date yet.”

  Cody chuckled over at Karla, shaking his head, she was always trying to get him to take her out. And failing. “Sorry, I’m busy.”

  “You’re always busy. Surely you get time off. You’re the boss after all. You can give yourself a day off.” Karla gave him a cheeky wink, flicking her long blond hair over her shoulder.

  It wasn’t that she wasn’t pretty. She was. Incredibly so and she had men falling at her feet all the time. But she didn’t appeal to him. Blond hair didn’t do it for him. Never had, never would.

  “It’s because I’m the boss that I’m busy, Karla. Sorry.” He shrugged.

  “Spoilsport,” she pouted and turned away into the throng, disappearing in seconds.

  Cody breathed a sigh of relief, at least she didn’t make a big deal of his rejection like some of the women did.

  “Busy night.” Chad, the Alpha of his Pack, leaned over, smiling and nodding to the people thronging around him. “Your business is doing well, Cody. I’m pleased for you.”

  “Thanks.” Cody tried his best to lower his eyes as a good pack member should, barely managing it, before they returned to meet Chad’s. “I’ve got plans to expand, I’d been thinking of putting them off but I think I’ll go ahead with them. The live band nights are pulling them in and I need the extra space.”

  “Sounds good,” Chad agreed. “If you need help, let me know. The pack is always available, Cody, you know that.”

  Cody bristled, knowing Chad was only trying to be helpful as his Alpha, but he hated relying on anyone. Always had and that wasn’t about to change. He wasn’t stupid enough to piss his Alpha off though . . . he’d been down that route before and it ended up with him out on his own and leaving the only person he’d ever loved. “I’ll keep that in mind, thanks. I’ll be looking for more staff . . . at least one more for behind the bar. If you know anyone that’s looking for a job, send them my way.”

  There. He’d offered someone in the pack a job. That should appease the Alpha, surely. His staff was all Shifters as it was, most from the Silver Streak Pack, so Chad couldn’t grumble at him for not supporting his own. As far as the building renovation went though that would be going to the best deal he could get for the work. He was a businessman and the numbers would do the talking.

  “I’ll put the word out.” Chad tipped his head. “There’s one or two that might be interested, thanks.”

  “No, problem.” Cody shrugged. “I need the help.”

  “Yeah.” Chad grinned. “Hey, have you seen Connie lately?”

  Cody couldn’t help but grin back. “Sure have, we have a standing order with Heavenly Scents, everything we get from them sells out as quick as we get them, so she’s in and out of here all the time. She’s looking great, happy and in love, and that little one of hers is adorable. He’s always with her or Rocky and growing up so fast. He’s toddling around now, well, toddling’s the wrong word because he scoots off so fast that she’s got to run to catch him.”

  Chad chuckled, shaking his head. “I know. He’s going to be a big boy, just like his father. I’m glad she’s found her soulmate and that child has certainly made her one of the happiest people I’ve ever seen.”

  “That’s for dang sure,” Cody agreed wholeheartedly.

  “Right, I’ve got to get back, just wanted to check in and see that everything was okay.” Chad’s eyes scanned around, obviously looking for trouble. “But I see it is. See you soon and take care, don’t work too hard.”

  “Yeah, right.” Cody laughed. “With this crowd? I’ll be working my ass off until goodness knows when.”

  “I know . . . but, Cody, you need some downtime too. You work too hard.” Chad stared hard at him, all Alpha and his eyes boring into him as if he could see right through into his very soul and found him lacking. It set Cody’s nerves on edge but he refused to look away as Chad sighed before carrying on. “You need someone too, Cody, you deserve your own happiness.”

  Of all the damn things that could’ve come out of his Alpha’s mouth that definitely wasn’t what he expected. Chad and he had butted heads more than once. Cody wasn’t a normal pack member. He wasn’t one who bowed down to anyone, finding it difficult to do, even to Chad. But Chad had allowed him to stay within his pack area . . . giving him the leeway to live in the town and build up his business, away from the pack and not have to deal with him on a day to day basis.

  It had worked, if not perfectly, at least satisfactorily, until now. What gave him the right to say such a thing? He knew nothing about him, or his feelings.

  “That’s none of your concern,” Cody replied coldly, his eyes rising to glare right back at Chad’s with absolutely no sign of submission showing.
I’ll take care of my personal business, Alpha, you take care of pack.”

  Chad’s head canted to the side, eyebrow cocked at the obvious show of aggression, his face hardening and his shoulders lifting as he stood taller. “I am taking care of pack business, Cody. An Alpha knows when someone within their pack is unhappy, and you are one of those. You’ve been like that since you arrived . . . years ago. I’ve left you alone, hoping you’d settle down and find someone that you’d let in, but you haven’t. I’m only trying to help, but make no mistake . . . I am Alpha and you will not disrespect me like that again.”

  Chad’s power washed over Cody, pain lancing through his head like a knife through butter, but he refused to cry out, or allow his knees to buckle. Instead his hand shot to the bar, holding onto it to stop himself from falling and he ground his teeth together to halt the cry of pain from breaking free.

  Chad saw his struggle, saw how he fought against his power . . . his eyes locking with Cody’s as he saw him refuse to bend against his will. Finally, he released him, a whoosh of breath bursting from Cody as the excruciating pain disappeared, but still he refused to yield. His eyes remaining firmly where they were . . . locked on Chad’s.

  “You realize if you were in any other pack that your actions would cause real problems . . . don’t you?” Chad shook his head. “Why? Do you want to be Alpha? Is that what this is about, Cody? Do you want to challenge me?”

  His words sank in and the thought brought on a whole host of emotions, the main one being the urge to run, hard and fast. To get away from the pack as fast as he could. Alpha? No. He didn’t want that position, or the responsibilities that entailed.

  “No!” he ground out. “I don’t want that, never have, and never will.”

  “So, what the fuck?” Chad spat out. “Why do you do this? It’s not the first time and I get the feeling it won’t be the last, so, tell me . . . why?”

  Cody thought on that question, hell, he’d wondered about that same thing for years. And always came up empty. He’d never wanted to be Alpha, but he also didn’t want to bow down to one either. What the hell was wrong with him?

  “I’ve no fucking idea . . . it’s the way I’ve always been.”

  “There’ll come a day I won’t put up with it, Cody, so you need to think on that.” Chad turned and walked away without another word, Cody watched as the Alpha disappeared within the sea of bodies and he knew the man was right . . . and he was wrong.

  If he only knew what the hell made him do it, maybe he could stop. It would make his life easier, and cause him less pain.

  Snatching his beer up, he downed it in one gulp, annoyed and angry that he’d allowed himself to react like an ass. Again. And that’s when he felt eyes on him, the hair on the back of his neck standing up, bristling against the collar of his black tee. His shifter senses went into overdrive as he turned around, piercing green eyes scanning the area to see who was watching him so intently that he could feel their focus on him . . . and why.

  ~ Chapter Two ~

  Cody scanned the area, his eyes hovering over the multitude of bodies crammed into the bar, most of them focused on the band that was whipping them up into a frenzy as it came to their break.

  All eyes were faced toward the far end of the room . . . all except one pair. A lone set were glaring daggers at him, until his locked with them, and then they dropped to the can of soda sitting on the table in front of them before them. Suddenly it was the most important thing in the room, dainty fingers reaching to grasp the can and twirl it around and around as long dark locks of hair fell forward to conceal those eyes that had sent a jolt of . . . something rushing through Cody’s entire body.

  Those eyes he’d barely caught a glimpse of seemed so familiar, the dark hair now cascading down to cover her face brought memories rushing through his mind . . . and body, that he’d rather not visit again. They were far too painful. Shaking his head, Cody, pushed them away, tilting his head as he gazed at the young woman sitting at the table in the corner. Who the hell are you? he wondered as she glanced up . . . with a look that had him stepping back as if she’d physically struck him.

  Fuck! She was looking at him as if he were the Devil incarnate. What the goddamn hell?

  He knew for certain that he had never met her before, so why the fuck was she looking at him as if he’d eaten her firstborn child?

  She looked away, her hair falling to veil her face again and once more his stomach clenched as his memories flashed to his youth. No. It was impossible and this was impossible. Cody shook his head to clear it just as the band finished for the break in their set and every person in the building rushed to the bar for fresh drinks.

  He had no time for anything other than serving his patrons, even though he tried to catch a glimpse of the girl in the corner . . . it was hopeless with the throng of people, five deep, waiting to be served. When it started to ease off, he caught Patty’s eye, one of his waitresses who’d been dealing with that area.

  “Hey, that girl in the corner, the one on her own with the long dark hair. Do you know her?”

  Patty stood on her tiptoes, squinting over. “Nope, first time she’s been in and she’s not very chatty. All she asked was if you were the owner, although she did know your name.”

  “She asked for me by name?” Cody closed in on Patty, backing her up against the counter.

  “Hey! What the hell?” Patty pushed him back.

  “Just answer me, Patty. Did she actually ask for me or what?”

  Patty gave him another shove, scowling up at him. “Now you come to mention it, she did. She said something along the lines of, ‘Which one is Cody Murphy.’ And I pointed you out and told her that you were the boss.”

  Cody’s belly did a full-on somersault, his heart thudding wildly, so fast that he could hear his blood rushing through him as he fought to control his breathing. Patty reached for him, her face full of concern as she saw his reaction.

  “Hey, what’s going on? Is she trouble? You want me to get her out of here? I can get Ricky or Spencer to deal with her.”

  Cody fought for control, refusing to allow his past in, denying it the power to affect him, or the life he had now. Not when it was going so well and definitely not by some slip of a girl. Shaking his head and plastering a fake smile on his face he chuckled. He didn’t need one of his bouncers dealing with this. “Nah, it’s nothing. Don’t worry about it.”

  Patty gave him a full-on “are you shitting me” look before deciding it wasn’t worth pursuing, especially with so many customers waiting for her services. Tonight would be a booming one for her so far as tips went, so she fluffed up her hair as the band started up, checked her makeup in the mirror behind the bar, and took off into the throng once more. While he and Jonesy, his bartender, were kept busy dealing with the people still standing at the counter.

  Once they’d trickled off, back to enjoying the music, and Jonesy could deal with the customers on his own, Cody chanced a look over to the corner. And there she was, eyes following his every movement, and if he had been mistaken before . . . he sure as hell wasn’t now. Everything about her screamed one thing and one thing only: hatred.

  What the god damn hell? His own anger started to boil now. Who the fuck did this whippersnapper think she was? Coming into his bar to glare at him like he was . . . fuck, like the living embodiment of the Devil himself. He’d had his fair share of fights along the way, but he’d never outright murdered anyone. Not that he recalled anyway.

  There was the trouble with rogues a few years back and yeah, there’d been some killed in that tussle, but they were rogues! They’d attacked innocents and killed a fair few, women and kids included. They deserved what they fucking got, and he wasn’t the only Wolf involved in that. Hell, the Silver Streak Pack wasn’t even the only Pack involved. So, that couldn’t be it. What was her problem with him specifically?

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